Offres d'emplois Marketing & Communication

Field Marketing Manager France

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Contenu de l'offre Field Marketing Manager France chez MathWorks

Meudon (92)

MathWorks is looking for a Field Marketing Manager for France, who would partner with Sales, Technical and Management teams to build high-impact integrated marketing programs with a goal to increase our brand awareness, generate new leads and engage existing customers.

You will work at a strategic level supporting the French and European offices business priorities and revenue targets through the implementation of communication programs, as well as lead generation and nurturing campaigns, but also at a tactical level developing pilot programs for specific industries and application areas.

In this position, you will advise and collaborate with Sales & Technical teams and other Marketing groups across the organization, both in France, EMEA and worldwide.


Work with specific sales teams to understand their territories and accounts: review insights and data about their sales territories and target accounts and define the marketing strategy to align with the sales strategy for these territories Create an integrated portfolio of programs and tactics tailored for the unique needs of the sales territories, including ad-hoc strategies for Sales prospecting and customer engagement efforts Collaborate with relevant local and international teams to develop, implement and measure demand generation programs using a mix of event-based and digital activities Create integrated, multi-touch marketing programs that support pipeline acceleration for specific industries and applications Project manage and execute an annual user conference with the support of an external agency Collaborate with the Sales and Technical teams to support Social Selling efforts Develop and drive plans for PR & Influencer activities supporting Sales and company priorities Work with internal teams to develop targeted and engaging content to be leveraged for awareness, lead generation and prospecting Perform detailed analysis of tactics, channels and offers with recommendations to improve our mix of programs

Minimum Qualifications

A bachelor's degree and 7 years of professional work experience (or a master's degree and 5 years of professional work experience) is required.

Additional Qualifications

Very solid organizational and project management skills Demonstrated ability to build and deliver multi-touch, integrated marketing programs Experience in program design and execution of a wide range of lead generating activities Strong analytical and reporting skills that leverage data for decision-making Team player with a proven ability to work effectively with cross-functional teams Experience in social selling and content creation Fluent written and spoken English is essential

Cpf final 4

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Field Marketing Manager France
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