Offres d'emplois Marketing & Communication

Incident Manager - Service Center

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Contenu de l'offre Incident Manager - Service Center chez Microsoft

Description du poste


This role is responsible for driving positive outcomes end to end within reactive support, including healthy reactive support case progression and management across both standard and critical severity cases. Resources are aligned directly to customer accounts and own all levels of escalation handling, reporting, problem management and customer communications.

This role will partner closely with Customer Success Account Managers (CSAMs) to support the development of insights that can inform solution and operational health program development

Communication & Leadership

As a key influencer and advocate for the customer, you will build strong relationships with internal and customer-facing stakeholders. In partnership with the Customer Success Account Manager (CSAM), you will be the trusted central commander within the Reactive Support Management space.

You will showcase confident leadership and communicate in a timely and professional manner while driving reactive support request health. This will include direct interactions with customers to gather the business impact of support requests, to provide status updates on case progress, and to coordinate actions to improve health in at-risk or unhealthy support requests.

In this role, there is a unique opportunity to identify and champion process, tools, and service delivery program improvements. Through your work, you will help to influence continuous improvement and a more connected customer experience.

Incident Management

Support Request Reviews - Using internal tools and analytical skills, you will identify cases that require action. You will determine the best course of action to maintain healthy support request progression and resolution through consideration of customer-specific knowledge. You will develop the ability to anticipate risk related to customer-specific workloads and solutions and take mitigation action where required.

Escalation Management - Using internal tools and analytical skills, you will identify cases that require action. You will engage to coordinate appropriate actions both internally and externally to drive cases to resolution.

Critical Situation Management - During business hours, this role will support the active management of select critical situation support requests

Expectation setting - You will help to mitigate relationship risk through proactive expectation setting.

Problem Management

Support Requests Trends - Using internal tools, automation and analytical skills, you will identify and confirm the root cause of support requests and categorize them following a defined standard. These insights will help you and the account team to understand opportunities to maximize the value of the customer's Premier or Unified Support agreement through the use of proactive services to drive Operational Health improvements. Specifically, this role will be responsible for identifying trends and partnering with Customer Success Account Managers (CSAMs) to build recommendations for customers.

Reporting and Business Intelligence - You will leverage purpose-built tooling and standard reporting to support your understanding of support request volume and trends. This information will serve to support customer conversations and various incident/problem management activities.

Cpf final 4

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Incident Manager - Service Center
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