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Events PR & Media Senior Brand Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Events PR &amp; Media Senior Brand Manager chez pernod ricard eña sa

Description du poste
We're looking for a candidate to fill this position in an exciting company. Establish brand messages relating to the strategic marketing plan as well as the associated amplification toolsRecommend amplification mechanisms to achieve business objectivesSelect and manage PR agenciesDevelop and maintain solid relationships among all targets that can generate visibility: journalists, celebrities, influencersBe the main point of contact to respond reactively to international and local press requests concerning the brandManage the local communication plan in the AOCs and deploy it to ensure visibility that match with brand objectivesBe the external communication referent for AOCs by ensuring a regular presenceDesign and monitor associated budgets (jointly with brand teams)Build relationships with key communication stakeholders within affiliates in order to ensure consistent brand messasing, including Pernod Ricard Group communication Graduate degree in Communication with 4+ years in the field. Experience in Events deploymentExperience in managing PR PlanMaintain a network of journalists & manage them in a daily basisExperience in creating contentExperience in defining communication strategy messaging & the way to distribute itUnderstanding on how to createSocial NetworkKnow how to manage agencies,Know how to manage pressExcellent communicator with internal and external stakeholdersResults focused and action orientedExcellent problem-solving skillsCollaborative
Cpf final 4

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Events PR &amp; Media Senior Brand Manager
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