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Group Strategy and M&A Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Group Strategy and M&A Manager chez Pernod Ricard

Group Strategy and M&A Manager

Position purpose:

Contribute to the definition and implementation of Pernod Ricard’s growth strategy of through M&A operations, leveraging a deep knowledge of the wine & spirits industry, as well as of the of the Group, including its strategy, organization and assets.

The main responsibilities are:

- Carry out acquisitions or disposals of brands and companies by performing in depth transaction analysis including strategic rationale, valuation modeling, deal structuring, management of acquisition and disposal processes, including coordination of key internal stakeholders in related functions (tax, controlling, legal, HR) and external stakeholders (legal, accounting, banking, etc. consultants) throughout the different phases of the operation.

- Conduct in-depth strategic studies of the wine and spirits industry including market analyses (macroeconomic analyses, market trends, potential M&A target landscaping and assessment, etc.), competitive intelligence reports (financial performance, brand portfolio, positioning or margins), and a wide range of other projects central to the Group’s strategy.

- Contribute to specific internal missions on behalf of the Group to optimize its efficiency and effectiveness including reviews of strategy of a business line or area, or optimization projects, or other. Generally playing a point position in project management and analytic leadership.

- Coordinate cross-functional projects as brand valuations, value creation for shareholders measure, return on capital employed calculation, reduction and cost optimization or other projects affecting cash and cash flow, taxation of the Group or its balance sheet structure and funding.

The profile required is:

Business/Engineer school degree or equivalent University education.

3+ years’ experience in the M&A department of a renowned bank or in the Transaction Services or Corporate Finance or Strategy department of a consulting firm.

English. French is a plus

Job Posting End Date:

Target Hire Date:


Target End Date:


Location: Paris

Type: Full time

Cpf final 4

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Group Strategy and M&A Manager
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