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Contenu de l'offre Marketing Manager chez Scality

Paris (75) We are looking for a passionate and experienced Email Marketing Manager to join Scality’s Digital Marketing & Community team! If you’re interested in the art of engaging potential customers through written words and have a passion for hard data, we would like to meet you.
Your main duties include running email marketing campaigns end-to-end, managing email databases that excite and inform customers about new products and events.
Ultimately, you should be able to promote our brand and ensure our customers stay in touch with our company updates.
You will be working with the latest marketing technology in collaboration with Sales and Product Marketing teams.


Manage and build overall email marketing strategy Define database segments to better serve corporate objectives Create and design various CTAs and email templates Test success of each campaign Set KPIs for each email with the marketing team Develop and present reports on a weekly basis Analyze data to get smart insights and suggest improvements Segment lists based on behaviors like past email engagement and website interactions Develop plans, A/B test and document results Proofread emails for clarity, grammar and spelling

Requirements and qualifications

Excellent communication and copywriting skills in English Deep understanding digital marketing techniques and trends Past experience with email marketing, lead nurturing, marketing automation, and/or web analytics Familiarity with Salesforce and familiarity with marketing automation tools such as Mautic are a plus BA/BS or equivalent degree required Hands on experience with HTML and WordPressExperience with email and marketing automation tools Sense of ownership and pride in your performance and its impact on company’s success Critical thinker and problem-solving skills
Cpf final 4

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Marketing Manager
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