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Communication Manager at The Sandbox

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Contenu de l'offre Communication Manager at The Sandbox chez The Sandbox

Position Duties

We are looking for an experienced, motivated, and highly organized individual to join the Marketing Team, which covers Acquisition, Community, Content, and Growth, with the mission to expand and engage our audience across the globe. The team works across a variety of groups, including game development, dashboard, partnerships, and Content&Creative teams. As Communications Manager it will be your responsibility to coordinate our global campaigns and follow-up cross-functionally on our numerous beats.

Responsibilities :
Together with the rest of the team, develop and implement marketing and communications campaigns and strategies and monitor their success.
Plan and manage the design, content, and production of all marketing materials.
Supervise projects to guarantee all content is publication-ready and ensure that it is consistent with the organization's brand, including white papers, website copy, and more.
Gather and coordinate required communication and marketing assets for new products, launches, events, and promotions.
Develop and implement effective communication strategies that build customer loyalty programs, brand awareness, and customer satisfaction.
Prepare detailed media activity reports.
Oversee the creation of marketing and communications collateral Reach out to influencers, media, and beyond in order to arrange story placement on a national and global level

Candidate Profile

Requirements :
Prior experience working in a marketing or project management role
Strong writing skills to both B2B and B2C audiences
Proven success designing and executing marketing and communications strategies and campaigns
Excellent organizational and project management skills and ability to meet deadlines
Ability to think analytically and strategically
Capable of working well as part of a team as well as independently
Great multitasker and capable of simultaneously managing multiple projects with different deadlines
Familiarity or experience working with CRM software is a plus

Cpf final 4

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Communication Manager at The Sandbox
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