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Contenu de l'offre Marketing Specialist chez Virtuos Games

Paris (75)


Find information and stories to tell regarding the projects and people working at Virtuos Paris and Dublin, Write portfolios and presentation about the entire games development done in Virtuos worldwide, Draft contents for social medias, Create corporate videos and interviews, Support the Sales team in Europe, Work on all visual to make sure that we reach the highest visual quality, Coordinate with the global marketing team, Help on the organization and sponsorship of European game events, Collaborate on the creation of the employer branding materials.


Bachelor’s Degree or higher, in marketing or graphic design or video games, 2 years of experience in Marketing or Design or Communication, Passion for understanding the games industry, Gamer, Fluent English, second language is a plus, Strong interest in games production, Ability to multi-task different timelines and deadlines, Attention to detail with strong organizational skills, Excellent written and oral communication skills in English, Diplomat and problem solver,
What we offer: Be a part of the development of the biggest games in the world, Team up with world-leading developers, Exchange with marketing peers based in Singapore, Shanghai and Saigon, Join a fast-growing, stable company and rewarded as one of the best companies to work for in 2019,
Cpf final 4

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Marketing Specialist
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