Offres d'emplois Marketing & Communication

Marketing Operation & Communication Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Marketing Operation & Communication Manager chez Wildmoka

We are looking for a Marketing Operation & Communication Manager (8 months contract for a maternity leave replacement) to supervise and direct the workflow of marketing promotion activities. For this role, you will be reporting to the CMO.

Create and execute the marketing Promotion Plan (MarCom plan) to improve brand awareness and generate new leads Run marketing campaigns end to end (emailing, Ads insertion, banner insertion, etc.) Develop associated schedules and maintaining deadline Define metrics and leverage measurement tools to evaluate and maximize ROI of campaigns and report them through a dashboard Oversee marketing annual budget for promotion and campaigns Trigger public speaking opportunities and trade show sponsorship/presence Manage all marketing operational activities for internal and external events (shipping of material, booth setup, space allocation, preparation of Goodies, etc.) Coordinate with and manage different agency partners Develop/maintain social media profiles, activities and quality content on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedI Manage PR and press relation Requirements
3+ years experience as a communications manager for a similar organization Bachelor's degree in marketing, advertising or communication Strong experience in managing multiple partners Strong skills in rigorous project management High level of commitment/engagement to deliver on time and on quality Experience managing agencies to deliver partner marketing programs at scale Proven ability to lead communications strategies Fluent English

Cpf final 4

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Marketing Operation & Communication Manager
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