Offres d'emplois Marketing & Communication

Intern global brand manager Contrast Media Xray

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Contenu de l'offre Intern global brand manager Contrast Media Xray chez Guerbet



Under the direction of the Global Brand Manager, you will deliver and implement tactical and operational elements of the marketing plan for Guerbet CT/ Cath Lab Contrast Media Products.

Principal Accountabilities:

Under close supervision of the Global Brand Manager:

Facilitate relationships with subsidiaries worldwide and ensuring a clear communication channel.

Participate actively as a member of assigned marketing teams, overseeing input to the tactical portion of the marketing plan that is consistent with the business strategy.

To support on the creation and development and administer medically and legally acceptable detail aids, training packages and digital support that conform to company and regulatory standards for assigned products.

Interact globally to ensure worldwide implementation of tactics.

Monitor and administrate the activities of the advertising agency and contract suppliers such that contracted expectations are consistently met in terms of content, cost, quality and time.

Track the performance of the products (dashboards, KPIs, sales, etc.) for business reviews.

Support on the organization of key international congresses and masterclasses and on leading the product communication (booth, symposia).

Required Skills & Background

Bachelor / Master degree in marketing, business with ideally international experience,

Previous experience in marketing, marketing research, assistant marketing manager in pharmaceuticals or Med Dev strongly appreciated.

Good understanding of pharmaceutical / medical devices marketing, genuine interest for.

Digital communication skills

Fluent English

Key competencies and attributes:

Project management, tactical implementation, presentation skills, strong communication skills; focus on Customers, adaptability, organization skills, international exposure.


Cpf final 4

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Intern global brand manager Contrast Media Xray
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