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Contenu de l'offre Chargé d'études marketing chez Kantar Careers

We go beyond the obvious, using intelligence, passion and creativity to inspire new thinking and shape the world we live in.

To start a career that is out of the ordinary, please apply...

Job Details



Paris, av Paul Vaillant CouturierFrance

Kantar Rewards Statement

At Kantar we have an integrated way of rewarding our people based around a simple, clear and consistent set of principles. Our approach helps to ensure we are market competitive and also to support a pay for performance culture, where your reward and career progression opportunities are linked to what you deliver.

Join our team and you’ll be part of the 30,000 colleagues and 9 world leading research, data and insight brands that make up Kantar. At the heart of WPP, our unique consumer insight inspires clients around the globe to create and flourish in an extraordinary world.

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Chargé d'études marketing
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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