Offres d'emplois Marketing & Communication

Graduation is Mandatory Marketing Manager - 9891090117

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Contenu de l'offre Graduation is Mandatory Marketing Manager - 9891090117 chez Meteors Immigration Consultancy Services LLP

Govt visa with family status degree/masters candidates Transportation provided by company working days- 6 days/week With Family food Accommodation duty Hours 10 hours (8+2 Fixed overtime) call/whatsapp Gauri Sharma 9891090117 Job Duties
Interviews, hires, and trains marketing staff members
Establishes marketing goals based on past performance and market forecasts
Oversees current offerings and comes up with initiatives for new products or services
Researches and analyses market trends, demographics, pricing schedules, competitor products, and other relevant information to form marketing strategies
Works with marketing staff to develop detailed marketing plans for all media channels and sales teams
Approves and oversees the creative development of promotional materials, website content, advertisements, and other marketing-related projects
Communicates with various media buyers, advertising agencies, printers, and other services to help marketing projects come to fruition
Provides in-depth information to interested clients, and acts as a representative for the marketing department in important buyer meetings
Works within the department budget to develop cost-effective marketing plans for each product or service
Tracks all marketing and sales data and creates detailed written reports and verbal presentations to bring to senior executives
Adjusts marketing campaigns and strategies as needed in response to collected data and other feedback
Cpf final 4

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Graduation is Mandatory Marketing Manager - 9891090117
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