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Contenu de l'offre Content Marketing Manager chez Weglot

Job description

As the Content Marketing Manager you will be in charge of designing and delivering the Content strategy to increase Weglot reach and fuel the inbound marketing strategy. You will work with the CMO and CEO of Weglot, and will be in charge of the Content team.

Key responsibilities notably include:

Build and write SEO-driven content Deliver a consistent supply of quality content, using in-house and external resources Analytics to measure and track the performance

Preferred experience

English native, or fully proficient in English (all content is written in English first) First experience in content marketing (nice to have: for a SaaS product) Past achievements in executing and delivering lead-driven content strategies Strong interest for the tech industry Knowledge of Website and CMS (WordPress, Squarespace, etc.) tools

Recruitment process

Case study to be prepared and presented during a first interview with the CMO Interview with one of the co-founders Offer

Meet the Weglot team

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Content Marketing Manager
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