Offres d'emplois Relation Client

Assistant Front Office Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Assistant Front Office Manager chez AccorHotels

Overview of duties
"• Ensures guests have a smooth running stay at the hotel
Organises the customer welcome and care provided by his/her team Manages and motivates the Front Office team in order to provide a high standard of service for customers Helps meet the department's quantitative and qualitative targets Implements brand and Group projects and identity features (@ll the keys to the city, service certification for France or A Club etc)" Main responsibilities
Customer relations
"• Welcomes guests and fosters customer loyalty through his/her friendly manner
Develops high quality relationships with guests throughout their stay Handles any guest complaints or contentious issues that cannot be settled directly by team members and provides a rapid solution" Professional techniques / Production
"• Takes part in, organises and supervises guest arrivals and departures with the front office teams • Ensures that guest documentation and information is available and up-to-date
Ensures that the pricing policy and internal audit procedures are duly applied • Supervises the management of debtors, group and individual guest invoicing and cash operations • Keeps track of the standard of services delivered, based on guest comments and quality audits • Updates and checks that information in the directory and e-directory is up-to-date Supervises the standard of customer relations on a daily basis" Team management
"• Develops employees' motivation and team spirit by creating a good working atmosphere
Is involved in recruitment Integrates and trains employees, providing support for skills development • Applies labour legislation • Ensures that employees are well presented (uniforms, personal hygiene etc)" Commercial / Sales
"• Contributes to synergy within the marketplace by promoting the inter-hotel coordination policy • Makes sure that the hotel's pricing policy and sales pitches are duly applied in order to optimise REVPAR
Ensures the brand and/or Group's loyalty programme is promoted to guests • Motivates and drives the team to attain the department's quantative targets Is responsive in implementing the sales priorities for the day, as initiated by the Front Office Manager" Management and administration
"• Ensures that invoicing and cash operations procedures are respected in line with internal audit reference guidelines
Helps update dashboard charts (revenue, occupancy rates, average room rates, activity forecasts, headcount planning, etc) Ensures security of revenue and money flows Undertakes any necessary actions in order to recover debt " Hygiene / Personal safety / Environment
"• Ensures that the workplace remains clean and tidy
Applies and ensures application of the hotel's security regulations (in case of fire etc) Ensures the safety of people and property in the hotel Respects the hotel's commitments to the ""Environment Charter"" (saving energy, recycling, sorting waste etc)"
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Assistant Front Office Manager
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