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Accounting Assistant - Office Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Accounting Assistant - Office Manager chez BOARD International SA

We’re currently recruiting for an enthusiastic Accounting Assistant & Office Manager to join Board team in our Paris office.

Reporting to the Senior Accountant at Board France, your role will be focused on supporting the Finance department activities while ensuring the smooth running of the office on a day-to-day basis.

The perfect fit will be an excellent multitasker, with exceptional communication and time-management skills.

Main responsibilities:

Finance :

Customer : Credit collection Archive management Coordinate communication and exchange of documents between the sales department and Finance Liaison with the professional services department Point of contact for all customer’s administrative request Vendor: Assist with Accounts Payable, (Vendor invoices processing, Aging balance…) Archive management Credit cards & expense reports management

Office management :

Overlooking the daily logistics Overlooking the maintenance of the IT hardware, servers and networks Monitoring & ordering Supplies (Water, Coffee..) Bookings (transportation, hotels…)

Required Skills & Experience :

Preferred degree in Accounting or Economics, (BTS or DUT Comptabilité) Preferred previous experience in accounting Good knowledge of English language is required Familiar with MS Office & Excel Ability to prioritize workloads and respond to tight deadlines on an ad hoc basis Highly organized, proactive, and detailed-oriented

Board International is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Your personal data will be stored for as long as it is necessary to process the job applications that you submitted and for the provision of the service that you requested. Your personal data may also be processed for the fulfillment of the obligations provided for by law. Your data will in any case be deleted without unjustified delay once the aforementioned legal obligations have been fulfilled. Your personal data are collected and used by Board International SA and/or its subsidiaries that are located in the EU or outside on the basis of the appropriate safeguards provided by the European Regulation 2016/679. At any time you may request to access, to correct and/or delete your personal data used by Board International SA or by its subsidiaries for recruiting purposes.

For further question, please refer to our Privacy Policy at

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Accounting Assistant - Office Manager
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