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CIO Office & Roadmap Manager

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Contenu de l'offre CIO Office & Roadmap Manager chez Chanel

CIO Office & Roadmap Manager

Your role @ Chanel

CHANEL invests significant efforts to provide state-of-the-art security environment to its employees and partners in order to improve their productivity, both individual and collective, carry out their mission efficiently, and contribute to the long-term brand equity of the House.

Reporting to CHANEL's Corporate IT functions, Global Digital Platforms (GDP) is a department composed of three main teams:

"References and Services": in charge of Product Reference Documents, Digital Assets Management, Customer Identification Management and global Wishlist service;
"”: in charge of platform, multi-division and multi-region;
"In Store & Mobile: in charge of Digital Signage and Mobile Apps.

CHANEL's Global Digital Platforms department is looking for its CIO Office& Roadmap Manager in charge of steering and monitoring the IT projects portfolio.

The impact you can create at Chanel

Under the supervision of the Portfolio and Strategy Director, your main tasks are the following :

Prioritization & budget elaboration process

Own the portfolio prioritization methodology definition; Communicates the prioritization methodology to all BRMs and Business stakeholders
Prepare & facilitate the IT / Business prioritization meetings
Drive budget elaboration management

Portfolio & Roadmap management

Manage portfolio management process & ensure completeness of portfolio information
Actively engages with all IT domains responsibles & BRMs to track & analyze new subjects; facilitate demand management process, portfolio management process
Manage processes & tools to ensure consolidation, sharing, & roadmap follow-up
Own projects study processes (budget, demand management, portfolio sync, strategic portfolio review / Business Analysis, IT engagement committees) & animate instances
Consolidate & communicate roadmaps (global, by domains, by zones)
Ensure mutual understanding between IT domains / projects / Business Department & controlling
Consolidate & perform global capacity planning

What you will bring

Successful experience of at least 6 years on IT PMO and transformation role, within international companies / organizations.
Perfect command of the tools as well as portfolio management and steering methodologies.
Knowledge of one the methodologies is a plus (Agile, Product approach, Waterfall...).
Knowledge of one the tools is a plus (Confluence, Jira, Anaplan...).
Excellent verbal and written communication (English and French mandatory) will be essential for effectiveness in this role.


Location: Neuilly-Sur-Seine

Type: Full time

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CIO Office & Roadmap Manager
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