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Contenu de l'offre Office Manager chez Domestika

Domestika is looking for an Office Manager to assist with reception and management tasks at the central office in Paris.

Your main responsibility will be to ensure the smooth running of the Domestika office in Paris.

Domestika is one of the creative communities with the highest growth and projection in the creative industry. It was born as a small but vibrant community of creative professionals eager to share knowledge and learn from each other.

A few years ago, based on its founding idea, Domestika broadened its vision by designing and producing online courses for anyone who wanted to learn and grow professionally together with the best teachers. From this idea, a community of more than 5 million people emerged who share the same passion for learning and creative curiosity.

What does the Office Manager do at Domestika?

Receiving and sending parcels and correspondence. Coordination and organization of internal events, etc. Preparation and supervision, through an external travel management platform, of all trips made within the company. Centralization of purchases by different departments. Access control and coordination with IT to support the structure. Coordinate the cleaning, maintenance and administration of the building. Ensure the proper functioning of the company's office.


Previous professional experience: minimum 3 years in similar positions. Bachelor's degree in business administration or a related field is preferred. Excellent communication, analysis and problem-solving skills. Leadership, initiative, flexibility and professional commitment. Bilingual or native level of French and advanced level of English.

What do we offer?

Work in one of the leading companies in the creative industry. A fun, creative, collaborative and multicultural team. A salary according to your experience and profile.
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