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Contenu de l'offre Office Manager H/F chez Dynatrace

Dynatrace recherche …
Who are they?
Dynatrace exists to make the world's software work perfectly. Our unified software intelligence platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with the most advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data at an enormous scale. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. That is why the world's largest organizations trust Dynatrace® to accelerate digital transformation.

Job Description
Dynatrace, a global leader in cloud monitoring, is looking for an Office Manager to join its French team.

Reporting to the EMEA Director of Administration and Facilities, the Office Manager is key to the performance of our teams. At Dynatrace, we care about the well-being of our employees, and that is why we create jobs that help us reinforce our values and maintain the team spirit that distinguishes us.

The job of Office Manager is a multidisciplinary position whose main objective is to improve the quality of life at work for our employees. In this role, you will use your technical, organizational and communication skills to manage all the missions proposed on a daily basis.
- Manage the daily life in the office : managing administrative tasks, managing general services, being the contact for all requests from employees and external partners
- Deal with all facilities matters for French office
- BE responsible for all EMEA South applicable H&S procedures and ensure all EMEA South employees are trained herein
- BE responsible for all fire responsibilities and first aid requirements in the French office
- Take over some of the Vice President of Sales' administrative tasks
- Meet/greet visitors - customers, partners, candidates
- Badge Management/Access Security/Lockers
- Order and terminate the different cards/subscriptions
- Keep internal desk allocation and desk booking system up-to-date
- Meeting room bookings with hospitality ordering
- Assist with office purchases
- Deal with all incoming post and couriers and distribute accordingly
- Arrange for collection and shipment of all outgoing couriers for equipment and marketing materials
- Shipment of home worker kit to new EMEA virtual workers
- Collection of appropriate equipment from terming employees
- Ensure the office is a fun, clean and safe environment for everyone to work in
- Organize different events and find innovative and inclusive ways to keep our employees connected and motivated, even in remote locations
- Turning simple gestures into memorable events (onboarding/offboarding, work anniversaries, birthdays, etc.)
Cpf final 4

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