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A subsidiary of the EDF Group, EDF Renewables is an international leader in renewable electricity with an installed capacity of nearly 14.1 GW gross worldwide. Its development is mainly focused on wind and solar photovoltaic.The company develops, builds, operates and maintains green electricity plants in more than 20 countries, on its own account and on behalf of third parties. The majority of its international subsidiaries are grouped around the EDF brand Renewable.A major player in the development of the energy transition, EDF Renewables plans to double its renewable energy fleet by 2030 from 28 GW to 60 GW (including hydraulics) as part of its CAP 2030 strategic project.For more information, do not hesitate to visit the EDF Renewables website, EDF Renewables is looking for its Industry Division, in the PMO (Project Management Office) team, an intern as:PROJECT MANAGEMENT OFFICER (M/F)Duration: 3 monthsStart date: Nov/Dec 2022Within the PMO team, you will report to the Deputy Director and support project managers managing international renewable projects. Specifically, your mission will be to:Create a cost database (in MS Excel) using information available from different projectsCreate links between cost database and project technical information to derive meaning insightsCreate standardized MS Excel templates for data collection for future projectsThis internship will allow you to familiarize yourself with the field of renewable energy by understanding key technical and cost parameters that drive design optimization and the importance of data management

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