Offres d'emplois Relation Client

Office Manager - Part Time

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Contenu de l'offre Office Manager - Part Time chez Institutional Shareholder Services


This position is running the Paris office as Office Manager on a part-time basis (24h). Office Manager will report to Head of EMEAI corporate services who is based in London.


Order office supplies and maintain inventory

Administrative tasks such as handling invoices, filing and office related documentation

Be the main point of contact and manage relationships with vendors including negotiating costs and working with the Legal team to implement contracts

Being the primary contact for office security and working with a global team on standard procedures relating to security and contingency planning

Managing Health & Safety and Fire Safety Procedures: ensuring we are compliant with legislation, arranging training and establishing standards and procedures where necessary

Plan and facilitate client events and market activities by providing general preparations, material distribution if needed etc.


Previous experience in an office administration role

Fluency in French and English.

Excellent user of Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)

Well organised and ability to multi-task and prioritise

Robust communication skills both written and verbal

Excellent organizational skills and takes a methodical and thorough approach

A helpful, approachable and pro-active mindset is essential for this role

Demonstrates initiative and proven ability to find solutions to problems

Discretion and ability to handle sensitive issues.

Good attention to detail

Professional approach and the ability to stay calm under pressure

Please apply online by sending a cover letter along with a CV in English or German .


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Office Manager - Part Time
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