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CDD - Directeur Adjoint de Boutique Paris - Remplacement Congé Maternité Grands Magasins H/F

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Contenu de l'offre CDD - Directeur Adjoint de Boutique Paris - Remplacement Congé Maternité Grands Magasins H/F chez Tiffany & Co

Tiffany & Co recherche …

Company Overview

Tiffany & Co... the name instills images of True Love, Romance and The Blue Box. Since 1837, the masterpieces of Tiffany & Co. have defined style and celebrated the world's great love stories. Tiffany & Co.'s rich heritage of celebrated artists, milestones and magnificent jewelry sets the foundation upon which our employees stand. Tiffany employees are passionate, kind and professionally committed. We continually educate ourselves about new merchandise collections, cultures and the evolving luxury market. Our respect and love for the brand creates a workplace like no other.

Tiffany employees honour every special moment in our customer's lives and every unique gift that commemorates their milestones. Every blue box holds an important story. We will discover and honour that story with our personal Tiffany Touch.

We expect our employees to deliver the Tiffany Touch to each and every customer and Tiffany is committed to creating an organization that recognizes and rewards excellence in service of this promise. For us, IT is a dream to BE associated with a company that is forever aligned with exquisite craftsmanship, timeless design and a dedicated commitment to corporate sustainability.

Position Overview

The Tiffany & Co. Assistant Manager will partner to support the Sales / Store Manager in the coaching and development of the sales team in order to meet or exceed sales plan and profitability targets. The Assistant Manager is a dynamic, attentive and inspiring leader who demonstrates strong team building and interpersonal skills to consistently focus on enhancing the luxury customer experience and supports team members to do the same. Through effective management, demonstration of the Tiffany Touch and ongoing support, they enable Sales Professionals to manage and develop their client base, achieve sales goals and deliver consistently high levels of customer service. As well as daily team supervision and relationship building, the Assistant Manager will manage store systems and operations, develop strategies to ensure targets are met, and act as a brand ambassador.

The Tiffany Assistant Manager will exhibit the following competency skills :
- Champions Customer Focus : Identifies barriers that impede great customer service. Develops new ways of enhancing the luxury customer experience for a global customer. Inspires the team to deliver extraordinary customer experience.
- Inspires Innovation : Challenges the status quo and generates bold, innovative new ideas that differentiate Tiffany from the competition. Encourages and rewards curiosity and creative thinking in others.
- Models Professionalism : Demonstrates and role models integrity in all circumstances. Conveys a positive outlook, even under stress. Cultivates and sustains a climate of respect, inclusion and collaboration. Champions change, inspiring readiness and commitment.
- Communicates with Impact : Conveys a clear and compelling vision and direction, and helps their team understand how their individual efforts drive the company's success. Delivers inspirational messaging resulting in team engagement and collaboration.
- Develops Team : Gives specific, honest and constructive feedback. Provides highly effective coaching to leverage strengths and close significant development gaps. Enables team to achieve results that they couldn't have done before.
- Demonstrates Business Acumen : Synthesizes data to draw meaningful insights. Shows a keen understanding of changes in the internal/external business environment. Anticipate how these will impact business and develops action plans to address.
- Drives for Results : Motivates and challenges the team to stretch beyond what they thought they could achieve, creating a culture where results and accountability matter and people GO above and beyond expectations.
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