Offres d'emplois Relation Client

Receptionist and Operations Assistant

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Contenu de l'offre Receptionist and Operations Assistant chez TransPerfect

Receptionist and Operations Assistant

The role entitles to be the “face” of the company, welcoming, meet and greet visitors, candidates, clients and guide them. Supporting the team on different tasks throughout the day and support all French sites. Reporting to the manager on a daily basis.

Please note that this is Paris based position. When applying, kindly submit your CV in English.

Responsibilities include:

Fulfill the responsibilities of the receptionist – Greet visitors, Ensure compliance with visitor/guest sign-in. Accompany visitors (when needed) to their POC. Keep the reception area neat and clean, notify employees in the event of special deliveries, Act as a back-up mail room clerk, deal with deliveries in general.
Accompany external providers & maintenance technicians to the different floors when required.
Sort post on a daily basis, place the post in the designated mail area, managing courier pick-up and deliveries, overnight services, etc. Assist with shipping and receiving.
Run off-site errands.
Control of Stocks back-up: Order office supplies from our vendor’s website, monitor stock levels of basic items, deal with employees requests, etc
Act as an administrative assistant to accounting by assisting with filing Reports and other tasks as assigned by accounting managers and staff accountants. Review and assist with operations-related invoices for all TransPerfect Offices.
Scan, photocopy, and provide additional administrative support.
Assist with special marketing projects – postcards, holiday cards, etc
Contact maintenance personnel when needed.
Backup for maintenance control when the person in charge is absent.
Liaise with phones installation/set up/requests.
Assist with employee relocation including setting up space for new hires.
Assist to move furniture & equipment when is needed.
Undertake general office work for Operations
Perform other special projects or duties when required.
Complete all other tasks that are deemed appropriate for this role and assigned by the manager/supervisor

Required skills:

Good communication skills
Ability to work within a team
Can-do attitude
Exceptional problem solving skills
Ability to maintain professionalism in all situations

Desired skills and experience:

Minimum 6 months of experience
Outlook management skills
Microsoft excel experience
AI tools management experience
Good telephone skills

By applying, I confirm I have read and accept TransPerfect's Privacy Policy:

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Receptionist and Operations Assistant
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