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AliExpress Social Media Manager Paris

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Contenu de l'offre AliExpress Social Media Manager Paris chez Alibaba

For this role we are looking for a proactive profile that eats, sleeps and breaths social media: *The Vision of this role is to make AliExpress become the NO.1 Social Media company in France. *You will be the owner of SNS strategy and content operation (FB-IG-TW-TKTK-YT) with agency on a daily basis, holding an overall efficient strategy yet different tones on different channels to increase valuable fan base, increase engagement rate and increase impression of posts. *Oversee day-to-day relationship with social media agency, working in partnership to drive the end-to-end process and enable the optimal outcomes *Report on bi-weekly basis with thoughtful review and future plan, be responsible for both data performance and quality performance *Making sure consistency and alignment in terms of tone and KV throughout all channels, always-on and spike campaigns. *Building relationships with content creators to create meaningful content as part of the ugc startegy and SNS added value focus.
* Degree in Marketing or related field required. Adverting or communications degree * 3-5 years SNS channels operation experiences in French market, preferably coming from an agency or large corporation. * Strong communication skill, internally and externally. Fluency in English/French to effectively communicate with broad stakeholders (local and global), excellent written and verbal communication skill in English/French is by default requirement. * Excellent written and verbal communication skills with proficiency in building clear, compelling value propositions that can be expressed in a variety of media * Proven track record creating, managing, marketing events focused on ROI; * Maintain a high sense of urgency and entrepreneurial work ethic that is required to drive business outcomes * Solid experience to manage agencies and challenge agencies to drive innovation * Needs to be a very well organized and proactive person. * Desire for quick growth !
Cpf final 4

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AliExpress Social Media Manager Paris
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