Offres d'emplois Social Media & RP

Freelance Community Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Freelance Community Manager chez DXOMARK

DXOMARK is followed by thousands of technophile fans worldwide on its website as well as on social media. Our social media team is looking for a new community manager to join its growing team. As DXOMARK expands its social media communication with new content and new channels such as Instagram, we are looking for a dynamic individual who can engage with our fans and followers.

The community manager (freelance) needs to be available for 40-60 hours per month to dedicate to our various social media channels. You are expected to be good with words as well as graphics. As a native English speaker, you will create posts and respond to comments over multiple channels. You are proficient with photoshop and illustrator.


Creation of social media posts in english across channels: twitter, facebook and Instagram Creation of visual content : infographics, photo, gif and video based content Coordinate with members of the marketing team and other community managers to ensure timely publication Respond to comments following the rules written down in a predefined comment policy Social listening: share insights with the marketing team based on reactions of our posts on social media


Past experience in social media community management in English Proficient in use of visual graphic tools : Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator Native english speaker
Availability: up to 60h per month
Nice to have : Knowledge of photography
Cpf final 4

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Freelance Community Manager
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