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Community Manager: Digital Services, Developer Community (m/f) / Freelance

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Contenu de l'offre Community Manager: Digital Services, Developer Community (m/f) / Freelance chez emagine

Nice (06) The mission of the Community Manager (CM) is to partner with the Development team to build, grow and maintain a Community for Developers interested to contribute to a Digital Experience Suite (DES) platform. The role of the CM is to provide a great experience to developers participating in the Forum/Community by means of excellent and quick forum discussions, as well as to interact, oversee and motivate forum participants from a technical perspective.
As a CM, not only will you help developers integrate DES into their solutions, but you will also be shaping how DES is perceived by the developer community.

Interact with developers around the world to help them integrate DES into their products and solve technical issues they run into, mainly through the forum by answering questions not covered by the community directly.
Advocate for the developer in bringing their feedback and experience to help improve the product.
Manage the community support (including forum): cover the first level of support, dispatch requests, etc.
Be the voice of the community: represent the community in the management meetings, gathering feedback to understand members' needs, etc.
Detect valuable patterns for the rest of the company from the forum questions (e.g., valuable docs to produce, etc.).
Partner closely with the Community Lead to provide technical advisory to the initiatives around the community.
Participate in local communities by representing DES’s products, services, and developer experience.
Build proof of concept and sample applications.
Innovate on how relationships are built with the community.
Provide innovative, state-of-the-art ideas to optimize our processes, tools, etc. and ultimately, our users’ experience.
Mentor new team members.
Organize, prioritize and define the content (documentation, blog posts, etc.) to become public on the different channels (portal, blog, forum).
Organize community events: hackathons, webinars, "lunch & learn", "meet the experts".

Key Skills:
Self-motivated, quick learner, fast researcher, and hungry to improve technical skills.
Love to code and solve technical issues varying in complexity and technology.
Good at empathizing with developers and have experience with troubleshooting environments.
Excellent written and verbal communication skills (English) and passionate about talking to developers.
Enjoy writing and teaching, capable of explaining complex concepts in easy-to-understand language.
Have experience with dealing with a forum and are comfortable with a remote working environment.
Love to contribute to the open source community.
Proven experience working or participating in a developer community.
Attention to detail.

Nice to have:
Experience with OAuth 2.0 and Angular
Experience moderating a forum
Fluent communication in languages other than English

For a full breakdown of the project details and position deliverables please send the latest version of your CV to or call Brendan on +44 121 550 8128/+33 141 92 5668 with you questions
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Community Manager: Digital Services, Developer Community (m/f) / Freelance
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