Offres d'emplois Social Media & RP


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Contenu de l'offre SOCIAL MEDIA & CONTENT MANAGER (H/F) chez Entreprise confidentielle

Description du job
About MoondustMoondust is a small Belgian agency working for big local and international brands.We value creativity, professionalism, ethics, trust and sustainability.For those reasons, we are a 100% remote company - we believe our time can be better spent than stuck in transportation.The jobYour missions will be:1/ redaction of social media content plans and of blog posts for our clients. Occasional proofreading of content written by others.2/ day to day social media management: scheduling posts, creating ads campaign, writing monthly reports for our clients.3/ conversation management on social media on behalf of our clients: answering messages and comments following the clients guidelines4/ coordination with our graphic designers and motion designers to ensure all the visual content is ready in time to be posted online.5/ coordination between our clients and our team of translators: you make sure our clients get the deliverables in time and are always happy.6/ if you are experienced with translating, you might also be asked to help with short translations to FR.Main tools you will use: AgoraPulse, Kontentino, Canva, Facebook Business Manager, Photoshop, Google Analytics, Google suite and Microsoft Office. Training will be provided if needed. expérience : 24 mois
Profil : About you:You are a French native speaker who studied translation or languages. Your command of Dutch is excellent - English is a plus. You love writing (in French) and have perfect command of grammar, syntax and spelling. You are creative but also rigorous and good at researching information. You enjoy being directly in contact with clients and service providers. You have excellent communication skills that you use internally and with external partners You have already had 2-3 years working experience, be it in an agency or in a corporate environment. Having worked as copywriter, social media manager, or in a marketing/PR position is a plus. You are very organized and can juggle multiple dead-lines and projects. An eye for graphic design and some knowledge of Photoshop or another graphic tool are a plus. Because you will be working from home (or from wherever you want, really), you have to be a self-starter and be very pro-active. You can work very independently. This also means you won’t be around colleagues and will have most of your contacts online - you have to be okay with that.It’s ok if you have not worked in the digital field yet, but you have to be really interested in marketing and social media, and willing to learn.
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Quoi de neuf dans l'univers de l'emploi marketing, relation client et digital ?

Après Instagram, le vlogs de Youtube vont-ils conquérir la planète mode ?

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L’été dernier, la top-modèle Naomi Campbell battait des records d’audience sur Internet avec une vidéo YouTube dans laquelle on la voyait...

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Devenez « influenceur » sur les réseaux sociaux!

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Un cabinet de marketing d’influence (et oui, ça existe) annonçait récemment que la publicité par les influenceurs générait onze fois plus...

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Social Ads: Facebook mise sur l’attribution incrémentale

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L’attribution d’une conversion (vente, lead marketing ou commercial) à un point de contact ou un canal marketing est une démarche...

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Facebook change le logo de son entreprise

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L’entreprise de Mark Zuckerg opte aujourd’hui pour un nouveau logo, signalant plus clairement l’appartenance de nombreuses applications...

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