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International Social Media Manager H/F - YVES ROCHER

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Contenu de l'offre International Social Media Manager H/F - YVES ROCHER chez Groupe Yves Rocher

Direction : Business Development & Social Selling - YVES ROCHER CDI - à pourvoir dès septembre 2018 Basé à Issy les Moulineaux (92) The Rocher Group is a profitable, independent, family group and driven by a spirit of "entrepreneurs-creators". The Rocher Group counts on 10 main brands serving beauty and well-being: Yves Rocher, Petit Bateau, Stanhome, Kiotis, Dr Pierre Ricaud, ID Parfums, Daniel Jouvance, Flormar, Sabon and Arbonne. 40 million women trust the quality and the performance of our products developed by each brand of the Group; this represents more than 500 million products delivered per year. Join the dynamic marketing team of Business Development & Social Selling at Yves Rocher. ROLE : As the Social Media Manager, you are the expert and key referent in social media for our BtoB scope (EURAFRICA, LATAM & MENA). You are responsible of ensuring the rollout of the brand social media strategy and its performances locally, hand in hand with the digital operational team. MISSIONS : Adapt the brand social media strategy for BtoB markets Monitor local social media activities and performances Adapt social media content and activations for different markets Create operational guidelines for markets to apply Create tools and supports to facilitate the social media management of markets Accompany key markets in their social media campaign conception, preparation and implementation Provide ongoing consultancy to prior markets in their social media activities Consolidate markets feedbacks and insights to share with the brand Help develop and improve social media knowledge and skills locally and internally Keep monitoring trends and best practices in social media to share internally and with markets Collaborate closely with Brand Activation & Business Development teams (Digital, CRM, Business, etc.) to ensure consistency.
SKILLS : Deep understanding of international social media landscape with hands-on experiences (not limited to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, VK, etc.) Familiar with social media management, analytical and listing tools. Analytical and synthetic mind with attention to details. Fluent in English and French is mandatory, Spanish is a plus Knowledges in image/video processing & graphic design software as a plus.
REQUIRED PROFILE : Minimum 3 years’ experience as a Community Manager or Social Media Coordinator in an international environment. Agency experience preferred. Strong presentational skills and entrepreneurship spirit. Knowledge and interests in the beauty and cosmetic industry. Team player International background International experience (abroad) is a plus
Cpf final 4

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International Social Media Manager H/F - YVES ROCHER
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