Offres d'emplois Social Media & RP

Social Media Manager & Community Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Social Media Manager & Community Manager chez Ledger

Paris (75) Founded in 2014, Ledger is the leader in security and infrastructure solutions for cryptocurrencies and blockchain applications. Headquartered in Paris, with offices in Vierzon, Hong Kong and New York, Ledger has a team of 200+ professionals developing a variety of products and services to safeguard and protect crypto-assets for individuals and companies – including the Ledger Nano S already sold at 1.5 million units in 165 countries.
Passionate about crypto and marketing? Join the leader in security for crypto and their marketing team to sustain the company’s growth. In collaboration with various teams (marketing, product, customer success, e-commerce), you will work on better understanding our Ledger Nano and Live users and how to address them.


3 - 4 years experience in social media / marketing digital Diploma in top-tier Business school or communication school Knowledge of Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Google Analytics Having a passion for social media and a strong interest in cryptocurrencies Fluent in English Outstanding communication and presentation skills


Define each social media touchpoint roles, tone of voice, strategy & objectives (twitter, facebook, linkedin, youtube, reddit and more…). Collaborate with Marketing team (BtoC and BtoB) to understand the key challenges, develop key activations and integrate product roadmap. Create & publish engaging content for our social media platforms, in alignment with the marketing and product strategies, to support our corporate and product campaigns. Manage the editorial calendar. Identify and execute opportunities to engage with our community and generate awareness among our competition. Analyze campaigns and activations performances (sales, traffic, awareness…) with the objective to optimize campaigns and bring recommendations for future actions. Monitor competitors, market and communities activities to highlight best practices, emerging trends, activation ideas.
Cpf final 4

Quoi de neuf dans l'univers de l'emploi marketing, relation client et digital ?

Après Instagram, le vlogs de Youtube vont-ils conquérir la planète mode ?

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L’été dernier, la top-modèle Naomi Campbell battait des records d’audience sur Internet avec une vidéo YouTube dans laquelle on la voyait...

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Devenez « influenceur » sur les réseaux sociaux!

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Un cabinet de marketing d’influence (et oui, ça existe) annonçait récemment que la publicité par les influenceurs générait onze fois plus...

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Social Ads: Facebook mise sur l’attribution incrémentale

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L’attribution d’une conversion (vente, lead marketing ou commercial) à un point de contact ou un canal marketing est une démarche...

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Facebook change le logo de son entreprise

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L’entreprise de Mark Zuckerg opte aujourd’hui pour un nouveau logo, signalant plus clairement l’appartenance de nombreuses applications...

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Social Media Manager & Community Manager
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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