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Media relations Manager H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Media relations Manager H/F chez Sodexo

Informations générales


As part of the Global Communications team, you support Sodexo's reputation and promote its strategy and spokespeople with international, national, trade and specialist media to maximize visibility to support business objectives and enhance and protect Sodexo's brand and reputation.
You identify issues and themes that resonate with the media, to garner coverage and positively position Sodexo
You monitor and measure media coverage for Sodexo at corporate level in order to assess impact and capture key learnings for future initiatives or issues.
You are an active benchmarker and drive this culture in the team to consistently look outside, learn from others and stay ahead of current trends.

issy les moulineaux

Temps Complet


Media Relations
Support, develop and execute media relations plans with a specific focus on digital mediaDevelop angles for media coverage, organize interviews, press briefings and background meetings, prepare press releases, media packs and key messaging documents.Contribute to integrated communications plans on specific subjects in coordination with relevant teams.Develop and maintain a network of media contacts, with a specific focus on online media and key influencersContribute to crisis communications management: support issue management and crisis communications at enterprise level and in coordination with the countries in order to protect Sodexo’s reputation
Media Monitoring
Management of the media monitoring: daily press review – and weekly Media Report, online monitoring, monthly, and annual reportsManagement of the relationship with media monitoring and digital monitoring providersCoordination of KPIs measurement with key markets (France, US, UK) to enable the B&C team to measure the progress of our media relations activity and the resonance of our key strategic messages as well as to capture key learnings for future initiatives.




8-10 years' experience in media relations in large global companies or communication agencyIn-depth understanding and knowledge of the International and French media landscapeA “newsy” who follows multiple media – both traditional and digitalBilingual: French and EnglishExceptional written and oral communications skillsRigorous regarding deadlines and very organizedAbility to build a strong internal / external networkInnovative and creativeExperience working in an international environmentAgility and adaptabilityDiscreet, able to deal with sensitive informationPositive, team player and aligned with Sodexo values and philosophy

Cpf final 4

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Media relations Manager H/F
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