Offres d'emplois Web Design & Intégration

Senior Product Designer - UX / UI Designer

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Designer - UX / UI Designer chez Dolead

We are a leader in Lead generation, and we power the growth of 200 clients across the Globe. We are lucky to have a team of 100 experts, working remotely and in offices across France and the U.S.

What do we do? Dolead works alongside our client marketing and sales team to power their growth. Dolead run paid marketing campaigns faster, integrate customer data with confidence, and generate sales-ready leads at a fixed cost per lead, directly into any CRM.

We’re looking for a talented Product Designer to join our Product Team and build great Solutions for internal users.

From ideation to delivery, you will be a strategic contributor to product development, to delightful user experience, and to reach our clients’ goals.

You will be the UX expert in Dolead and build guidelines and workflow for our products and internal projects.

Your Daily Adventures Will Include:

Develop a deep understanding of our internal users’ needs and our goals.
Define problems with PMs and Engineering team
Sketch, prototype quickly ideas to assess their viability
Use data and experimentation to validate your UX/UI
Identify your key metrics
Create and deliver high-quality solutions for our engineering team
Provide UX/UI guidance

Does it appeal to you? Would you be our ideal candidate?

5 years of experience In UX and UI Deep knowledge in UX methods Create sketches, wireframes prototype Excellente communication skills Ability to work in a fast-paced environment Fluent in French & English

What we offer:

Healthcare: Alan - 100% Coverage by the company
Welcome Originals - Development plateform
Swile lunchcard
Flexibility & remote work possible
Multicultural & learning environment: more than 12 nationalities
Team, barbecue & company events
Meetups organised or payed by the company
Office located in the center of Paris

Recognized as a Great Company

Cpf final 4

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Senior Product Designer - UX / UI Designer
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