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Senior Ux - Ui Designer - International Remote H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Ux - Ui Designer - International Remote H/F chez Hugging Face

Hugging Face recherche …
Here at Hugging Face, we're on a journey to advance good Machine Learning and make IT more accessible. Along the way, we contribute to the development of technology for the better.

We have built the fastest-growing, open-source, library of pre-trained models in the world. With over 100M+ installs and 65K+ stars on GitHub, over 10 thousand companies are using H/F technology in production, including leading AI organizations such as Google, Elastic, Salesforce, Algolia, and Grammarly.

About the Role

As a Senior UX/UI designer, you will work with our Product team and take ownership of the product and BE responsible for ensuring its success in the market. You will imagine and build the next features for the HuggingFace Hub H/ and other potential cool products.

You don't necessarily have to code, but you will contribute to products in the \"Developer tools\" and machine learning space so having a generalist mindset is essential.

We value that each team member works on impactful projects that are interesting to them. As such, you'll have a key part in defining your role and day-to-day activities. Depending on your interests, you could work on developing apps or pages to expand the Hub to new domains, help design blog posts, videos, talks, and demos, and drive the direction of a product used by tens of thousands of users worldwide.
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Senior Ux - Ui Designer - International Remote H/F
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