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Contenu de l'offre Senior Web Designer chez OXO Solutions

Job Description

We are looking for a Senior Web Developer to build and maintain functional web pages and applications.

Senior Web Developer responsibilities include leading a team of junior developers, refining website specifications and resolving technical issues. To be successful in this role, you should have extensive experience building web pages from scratch and in-depth knowledge of at least one of the following programming languages: Javascript, Ruby or PHP.

Ultimately, you will ensure our web pages are up and running and cover both internal and customer needs.


HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript wordpress Php Photoshop Illustrator


Strategize and plan a compelling and effective design concept Meet with clients to assess and reassess their wants and needs for the project Create clean, unique and innovate web interfaces using text, color, sound and imagery in banners, icons, menus etc Design attractive and alluring pages that are both intuitive, functional and easily navigable Create interfaces that guide the user naturally and make them want to stay and read/click/interact more. Design a site that directly reflects and represents the company or individual’s brand identity Collaborate with a web developer to create structure and HTML content for the site Manage project and see through all aspects of design through project completion Track and evaluate performance and edit/adapt the site design as needed Organize pages in a functional but aesthetically appealing way that attracts users and makes them take action Ensure mobile-friendly capabilities Optimize website speed Produce consistent, quality work in a timely manner Stay informed on and implement current design trends
Job Summary
Offered Salary
Career Level
Senior Designer
2 year
BCA B.Sc (Computer Science) B.Tech(Computer Science and Engineering) M.Tech (CSE/IT/ECE/ME) MCA
Cpf final 4

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Senior Web Designer
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