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Contenu de l'offre UX Designer [CDI] chez Ponicode

Description du poste

At Ponicode, we want to help developers focus on what they like to do most, on the exciting parts of their job. We are creating a unique AI coding partner that will handle all low-interest but essential tasks for them and allow them to focus on what lies ahead.

We are looking for a talented UX-designer to work on the end-to-end design of our product.

What you will have the opportunity to do:

Create the visual identity of our product and platform from the very start.

Conduct the full UX lifecycle

Create all user flows and design user interface specifications (from Signup to Delight!)

Work closely with developers to help them imagine and define the perfect UX for them

Promote the importance of user experience

Who we are?

A start-up team of enthusiastic and realistic dreamers, convinced that we can offer a new experience to developers. We love developers! In our team, you will find a successful and visionary entrepreneur who will truly make you dream; an experienced CTO thanks to whom you will grow your love for programming and developers even more; young out-of-the-box developers and data scientists able to come up every morning with a new idea to work on with you; and a very enthusiastic CMO, willing to test every good or new idea to make people know about our solution.

You are passionate about design and UX. You have 3-4 years of UI/UX experience designing products, ideally for developers. You know how to turn complex technologies and processes into simple things with both a serious and out of the box approach. You have an excellent product culture and are up-to-date with the latest UI trends, particularly on products for developers. You are an enthusiastic person, a team player, full of ideas, with strong project management and communication skills.You are fluent in English.Last but not least, you want to join a very dynamic project at an early stage.

Description du profil

You are passionate about design and UX. You have 3-4 years of UI/UX experience designing products, ideally for developers. You know how to turn complex technologies and processes into simple things with both a serious and out of the box approach. You have an excellent product culture and are up-to-date with the latest UI trends, particularly on products for developers. You are an enthusiastic person, a team player, full of ideas, with strong project management and communication skills.You are fluent in English.Last but not least, you want to join a very dynamic project at an early stage.
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UX Designer [CDI]
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