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EMEA Talent Acquisition Manager

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Contenu de l'offre EMEA Talent Acquisition Manager chez 360Learning

As our EMEA Talent Acquisition Manager you will focus on growing the 360Learning team by sourcing, attracting and recruiting top talent with a focus on client facing & corporate roles (Account Executives, Customer Success Partners, Business Development Representatives, Learning & Engagement Managers, etc.). You will join a team of four senior talent acquisition professionals, geographically distributed between France and US and report to the Director of Talent Acquisition. Your home base will be our Paris entity, but the role can be held remote from anywhere in France.

Within 1 month, you will:

Graduate in Convexity through our onboarding process Understand our product offering through training Meet the global team through virtual coffee meets and happy hour Learn our hiring processes, tools and analytics framework Take on your hiring list

Within 3 months, you will:

Source highly relevant profiles for our sales teams Pitch 360Learning EVP like you own it Lead end-to-end hiring processes Close your first candidates Draft your own OKRs

Within 6 months, you will:

Expand the breadth of profiles you own Drive different ways to build talent pipelines including targeted search, referrals and sourcing campaigns Close the expected number of candidates each month Take on your first talent acquisition project (fields: employer brand, analytics…) Contribute to one of the 12 Convexity tribes

Within 12 months, you will:

Champion recruitment within the organization by coaching and training coaches on recruiting as well as evangelizing all 360Learning employees on recruiting & interviewing best practices Deliver impactful improvements to the way we hire

The Skills Set :

4-6 years in-house recruiting experience in hyper growth tech companies Proven experience in identifying, engaging and closing outstanding sales candidates Good eye for talent with ability to quickly screen resumes Sharp interview skills with ability to screen for both role skills and cultural fit Ability to work in a data-driven environment Keen interest in diversity hiring Eager to work in a remote first company Enthusiasm for our culture explained here

What We Offer :

Compensation. Competitive package (including a variable component and equity) Benefits/Perks. RTT, luncheon vouchers, 50% off on the transport subscription, Gymlib access, health insurance (Alan), generous parental leave policy. Level up your skills with our very own platform. Apero with team members from around the world. Balance. We are remote-friendly and promote flexible work hours. Culture. Be a part of a global team. We are powered through our culture called Convexity (ask us about it)! Make an impact in a high autonomy, low authority and highly nimble environment.

Interview process :

Call with our sales recruiter (Emilie) Discovery interview with the Director of Talent Acquisition (Raluca) Case-study with the team Culture-fit interview with the Chief People Officer (Nicholas) Offer! 360Learning empowers Learning and Development teams to drive culture and growth through Collaborative Learning. Our learning platform combines collaborative tools with the power of an LMS, enabling high-growth companies to unlock learning based on collective expertise instead of top-down knowledge. 360Learning is the easiest way to onboard new employees, train customer-facing teams, and develop professional skills–all from one place. 360Learning powers the future of work at 1,200 organizations, including Toyota, Criteo, and Airbus. Founded in 2012, 360Learning has raised $41 million with 180 team members across New York, Paris, and London. You can learn more in this blog post from our CEO.
Learning Includes Everyone.

In concert with our culture, 360Learning believes learning includes everyone and that means embracing the strengths of diversity, connectedness, and inclusion. Through conscientious efforts, our global footprint celebrates cultures, perspectives, and experiences from all over the world to support our platform that is built for all regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, age, neurodiversity, disability status, citizenship, veteran status or any other aspect which makes an individual unique or protected by laws and regulations in the locations where we operate. Thus, 360Learning is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we commit to continue this throughout our processes for recruitment, compensation, benefits, performance, promotion, and all other conditions and terms of employment. We want to learn from and with you!
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EMEA Talent Acquisition Manager
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