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Marketplace Senior Business Analyst - H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Marketplace Senior Business Analyst - H/F chez ADEO Services

The context

Adeo is the world’s third largest retailer in DIY and decoration goods, with over €30.0bn yearly revenues and 150 thousand employees across 15 countries. Key group brands include Leroy Merlin, Bricoman, Bricomart, Bricocenter, Weldom, Zodio and Alice Delice.

The group is currently developing its marketplace. It is a key pillar of an ambitious plan to transform the entire business and become the world’s leading habitat platform. The marketplace will help expand the product and service offering, improve Customer experience, reinforce the market positioning and create a key revenue stream.

Job description

The marketplace team is looking for a talented, customer-obsessed Senior Business Analyst to support its growth. This position offers a unique opportunity to learn and gain a holistic view of our marketplace business with both a local and global perspective. While reporting directly to the Head of Business Analytics, you will be able to drive performance by supporting different business teams through data analysis and business insights.

What we offer

An ambitious project at scale: the creation of an international marketplace at the service of our inhabitants.

A team with a very strong Data Driven culture.

A dynamic and entrepreneurial work environment.

The position will be based in our offices in Lille, Paris, Madrid or Milan.

The role will have several key responsibilities, including

Conducting data analysis to identify business opportunities and propose solutions to advance the marketplace.

Deep dive on key areas, such as performance, operations, commercial and finance, to reveal action levers impacting the big picture.

Working hand in hand with data engineers and data analysts to build scalable and accurate solutions..

Leading various governance rituals to facilitate and influence marketplace performance.

Acting as a data ambassador to drive a Data Driven culture within Adeo.

Your Profile

Basic Qualifications

Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Business or related field plus an MBA from a top-tier university.

Highly organized and results oriented with a high degree of ownership.

Strong interpersonal and relational skills.

Strong analytical skills and attention to detail.

Minimum of 5 years of experience as Business Analyst or similar role in consulting, e-commerce, FMCG or retail.

Proficiency in G-suite, Microsoft office and SQL.

English proficiency.

Preferred Qualifications

Other European languages (e.g: French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese or German) are a plus.

Proficiency in Python and data visualization tools (Data Studio, Power BI, Tableau…) is a plus.

ADEO Services is committed to greater diversity and inclusion, with an agreement in place as well as a disability mission, we support our (future) employees in adapting their workstations to their needs.

Cpf final 4

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Marketplace Senior Business Analyst - H/F
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