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Contenu de l'offre IT Business Analyst chez Adient

For our Bratislava Business Centre we are currently seeking to recruit a

IT Analyst Compliance

This position is part of the Global Compliance Team within QAD CoE application portfolio of Applications and performs all the Compliance and Audit activities engaging QAD CoE technical/functional resources. This position works under the direction of the Compliance Team Lead and will operate all Compliance Operations as well as all Audit activities assigned to him. The incumbent will interact with all other QAD CoE Team members as well as with other Team Leads/members and Auditors (Internal / External).


Perform all Audit requested activities (Control Object Testing, Review) within the planned timeframe and following Audit Team rules/methods. This includes CSA (Control Self-Assessment), Internal Audits, External Audits. Follow-up and ensure all Remediation Items are timely implemented and effective as expected. Perform all Compliance daily Operations like regular User Reviews, Plant Lists, Inactive User deletion, … Provide Compliance mentorship and direction to analysts and contractors within the team. Understand Adient Business processes and ensure they are compliant. Develop and retain strong positive relationships with other IT teams Develop and publish procedures, enforce policies and standards

What we offer:

Base gross monthly salary starting from 1700 EUR 13th salary Meal vouchers fully paid by employer Language courses Flexible working time, extra holiday entitlement, wedding allowance, child birth allowance, jubilee allowance, relocation allowance Health, safety and ergonomics events, training sessions Active life with colleagues full of various sports activities (swimming, yoga, tennis, volleyball etc.) Multisport card Massage at workplace, modern relax areas and game room


Bachelor's degree required Minimum 2 years of experience in Compliance area, or internal audit Understanding of IT landscape, systems and Integration architecture in large IT organizations Basic UNIX knowledge Knowledge of ERP application MFGPRO (functions, tables) preferably up to Enterprise Edition 2016 version is an advantage Previous IT experience in Automotive or major manufacturing organizations is an advantage Ability to come with suggestions to resolve issues. Ability to collaborate across multiple functions, departments and levels Ability to effectively and professionally communicate, both orally and in writing in English, while also successfully interacting within and outside of department on multiple levels.

Adient is committed to equal employment opportunity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We are looking forward to receiving your application including your salary expectations and your earliest availability date. If you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact Katarina Slizova, +421 918 787 601.


Bratislava Business Centre
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