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Data Analyst Intern (End of study Internship)

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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst Intern (End of study Internship) chez Adikteev


Adikteev is the leading app re-engagement platform for performance-driven marketers. We help the world’s top-spending app publishers increase retention, reacquire churned users and drive incremental revenue. App publishers in gaming, eCommerce, on-demand, services and entertainment rely on us to deliver made-to-measure strategies, creatives and algorithms. By combining science and creativity, we deliver best-in-class playable and interactive ads paired with top retargeting tech. We believe in creating a unique strategy for each client based on data to provide measurable and transparent results that increase user LTV and fuel business growth.

Adikteev is #10 among Inc. Magazine’s Top 5000 fastest growing companies and ranked in the top retargeting partners of the world for two consecutive years by AppsFlyer Performance Index.

Adikteev has recently passed the 2021 HappyIndex®AtWork as well as the 2021 TechAtWork® certifications. As a committed employer of choice, our company has recently signed the French National Diversity Chart and is a member of the AFMD (aka “Association Française des Managers de la Diversité”).



We are looking for a* Data Analyst Intern (*End of study Internship) to join the Analytics team ASAP to contribute to our company's continuous growth.


Perform in-depth data analysis to make sure each campaign is successful.

Develop and automate new analysis framework or internal toolProvide data reports, analytic insights and clear data visualizations for internal (Account Management, Sales, Marketing, Product, …) and external clients.Work on ad-hoc analyses and studies for the Management team to improve our value proposition, business model and internal processes.


Programming abilities with SQL, Python is a plusExperience with Data Visualization software (Tableau, Power BI, …)Attention to details, rigorous and strong curiosity to test new concepts.Ability to handle fluctuating workloads, autonomous, strong ability to multitask.Excellent communication and presentation (oral & written) skillsTeam player, ability to receive requests, consult with peers, brainstorm and seek for advice as well as escalate to senior team members when needed.Fluent in English, French is a plus.Ability to work in the EU


Exciting opportunities in a variety of functions such as product development, engineering, data analysis, business intelligence, sales and corporate

Teams that think outside the box, and where the word “impossible” is banned from our common languageFlexibility and agility applied to all our deliverables with a strong push for constant innovationA number of perks including competitive insurance schemes, welcoming offices, treats & goodies, and creative ways of communicating and working with one another, be it virtual or face-to-faceA healthy, worthy and profitable organization whose ambition is to continuously enhance its market share through its innovation and unique identityA variety of cultures (15+ nationalities and growing), a diversity of backgrounds (education, experience, and personal journeys) but a unique goal: being bold and daringA socially responsible firm with a strong ethos when dealing with environmental topics, and diversity & inclusion: everyone is expected to walk the talk at AdikteevAn open and transparent culture of communication with no hidden agenda


As an Employer of choice, Adikteev does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors and clients.

Job Type: Internship

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Data Analyst Intern (End of study Internship)
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