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Contenu de l'offre Traffic Manager (SEA-SEO) chez Adrenaline Hunter

Who we are looking for?

You will be our man/woman if:

you are smartyou have a genuine interest in outdoor sports, adventure travel or travelyou are enthusiastic and positive, and you smile or you laugh a lotyou are results-orientedyou are extremely data/statistics-drivenyou are tech friendly, you are familiar with CMS, web-based businesses, and digital stuff

What will be your responsibilities?

in coordination with the Head of webmarketing: define, execute, analyse & optimize new SEA campaign ideas on Adwords, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram, Youtube, Teads, Criteo etc.manage and optimize existing SEA campaigns on a daily basisanalyse campaigns’ statistics to extract and implement best practices and winning acquisition tacticsin coordination with the Content Production team, define and review the Content strategy, and use content to boost client acquisitiondefine relevant KPIs for the webmarketing team, and put in place reporting toolsextract meaningful product insight through SEA data, and pass it on to other teamscoordinate work on SEO and other webmarketing channels

What skills do you need?

We are not looking for a diploma, we are looking for skills and driveYou have at least basic knowledge and/or experience in webmarketing (SEA, SEO, Content marketing, social networks etc.)You are at ease and fast with excel (VBA not necessary though)You have a very strong analytical mindset, and intuitively understand statisticsOne of either French or English is your native language or you speak fluentlyFluency in another major language such as Spanish, Italian or German will be a major plus for your application

Who we are?

Adrenaline Hunter is the first booking platform for outdoor sports and adventure travel worldwide.

We aim to provide adrenaline seekers with the best experience in 6 different verticals:

Air : skydiving, paragliding, bungee-jumping, aerobatics…Snow : ski touring, off-piste skiing, ice-climbing, speedriding …Land : rock-climbing, caving, mountain biking, trekking, abseiling, canyoning …Water : surfing, kitesurfing, windsurfing, freediving, scuba-diving, rafting, flyboarding …Crazy : multi-days expeditions, aerial laser games etc.Urban : skateboarding, in-line skating, longboarding, indoor skydiving

What we want to do? Our goal is to make the booking of outdoor activities easy, everywhere, anywhere.

Why we are great?

Adrenaline Hunter’s team is made of 20 passionate people coming from 7 different countriesWe are extreme sports players and real adventurers, we know our gameWe dream big and have a presence in 50 countriesWe are backed up by solid BAs and VCs


We need your resume and a short cover letter explaining why you are tailored for the job and want to share the adrenaline hunter adventure with us !Selection process will involve practical test, get your excel skills ready !

STARTING DATE: from mid-November onwards

LOCATION: based in Paris

Job Type: Permanent

Required education:


Required language:

Cpf final 4

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Traffic Manager (SEA-SEO)
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