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Customer Experience Data Analyst

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Contenu de l'offre Customer Experience Data Analyst chez Adsearch

Job Description:

Overview: IOT software editor - Data Specialist - Data - Python - PowerBI - Customer Experience - Final customer - CDI - Paris

AdSearch IT is looking for a Customer Experience Junior Data Specialist for its client, an IOT software editor.

The position is to be offered on a permanent basis at the client's site, based in La Défense and then in Boulogne Billancourt (92) starting in June 2022.

You will join the Customer Experience Specialist team, and work on data/data consulting projects.

Main missions:

- Responsibility for the delivery of bespoke customer projects focused on advanced analytics, data modelling and cloud computing.

- Define and execute custom operational and financial analyses to diagnose, size and prioritize opportunities for clients to increase ROI on company products and services.

- Create data-driven dashboards, solutions, and algorithms for use across all customers.

- Enhance existing data visualization and automated customer reports/dashboards.

- Provide guidance to clients on the design and implementation of data integration into their internal BI tools

- Enable the development of company products by providing feedback and identifying opportunities for improvement

- Develop the level of understanding of data throughout the organization: Provide work sessions, assistance, and information to build core data capacity within teams

The technical environment you will be working in: Python, Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Linux/Ubuntu, jQuery, SQL, Microsoft .NET technologies, Microsoft Office Suite, Jupyter, Visual Studio Code, Jira, Bitbucket, Confluence, AWS/Athena/S3/Redshift storage, Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib

Your profile:

- About 2 years of relevant experience in a digital company.

- Bachelor's degree in computer science, with a focus on mathematics and statistics

- Business acumen: Problem solving, creativity and curiosity Effective team player

- Excellent quantitative analytical skills: Ability to prepare, analyse, model and interpret data; Microsoft Excel analysis and data visualization (Reporting and Dashboards); Accuracy and attention to detail good understanding of basic statistics, hypothesis testing, regression and clustering algorithms

- Language skills in French essential and English an asset

- Experience in the automotive / SaaS industries is an interesting advantage

Job Type: Full-time
Status: Cadre

Salary: 40,000.00€ - 50,000.00€ per year

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Customer Experience Data Analyst
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