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Sustainability Data Manager H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Sustainability Data Manager H/F chez Air France

Air France recherche …
Informations générales

Entité de rattachement

Avec le premier réseau long-courrier au départ de l'Europe, Air France est un acteur majeur du transport aérien mondial.
Ses principaux métiers sont le transport aérien de passagers, de fret et la maintenance aéronautique.



Description du poste
Intitulé du poste

Sustainability Data Manager H/F


Stratégie et développement - Etudes et Performance

Catégorie socio-professionnelle


Présentation du contexte

With increasing external pressure, a call for transparency and a strong regulatory framework (DPEF) a Sustainability team was created January 2020 at AFKL Group level with a strategic vision to shift the Air France-KLM business model in order to :

- Achieve superior environmental and societal performance, aligning our competitive advantage with SDG's and answering customer and public demand for sustainable travel solutions

- Secure our license to operate, preempting government interventions in the fight against climate change and ensuring continued access to the financial markets

An aligned approach across all airlines and businesses allows us to accelerate and embody our purpose : At the forefront of European aviation, we responsibly unite people for the world of tomorrow.

As the Sustainability Data Manager your objective, amongst others, is to ensure a qualitative, complete and reliable monitoring and reporting of ESG (environment, social, governance) related indicators.

You will BE working in the AFKL Sustainability team, stationed in CDG, working closely together with the Reporting & Benchmarking Manager and an apprenti, as well as the airline sustainability teams and external partners including auditors. You will BE reporting to the Group VP Sustainability.

Description de la mission

The team has 2 data analysts covering the following activities, the division of tasks will depend on levels of experience and work load.
· Analyse and inform on decarbonization trajectory forecast scenarios vs committed objectives 2020-2050, strategic options (including SBT) and approach :
· Owner/administrator of Group Sustainability tools, working with IT or external supplier on tool evolutions, ensuring access and support of airline administrators and exchange/improve user experience.
o Carbon forecast tool
o CSR Reporting tool including
o Life-cycle assessment tool or module (to BE implemented in 2022)
· Ensure the quality and consistency of ESG data for the URD report, Sustainability Report and ESG questionnaires.
o Coordinating data collection with the airline teams, consolidating their input for the publication of regulatory quantitative communication and tracking performance
o Support internal and external stakeholder engagement, e.g. data collection for rating agencies
o Support the internal sustainability network and communication activities
o Verification of indicators published by a third-party auditor
o Monitoring and managing the incorporation of new sustainability related regulations
o Manage the audit and verification of extra-financial indicators by a third-party auditor
· Setting a strong, inspiring example as a member of the Sustainability team, and greater HR & Sustainability team.

Key activities include, but are not limited to :
· Provide ad-hoc analysis for internal (eg strategy, investor relations, finance departments) and external contacts (consultants working on AFKL projects)
· Research and gather information surrounding our sustainability strategy/roadmap; determining and analyzing the group's environmental impact, and using results to evaluate if the group's sustainability approach delivers expected results.
· Provide insight in competitive positioning around decarbonization, and consequential impact.
· Provide recommendations to improve data-driven decision-making process, through use of visualisations, use of AI, improved reporting for B2B customers etc
· Setting up, define together with the airlines and implement common sustainability (environmental, social and societal) steering indicators : ensure quality and consistency in monitoring and reporting of the indicators and develop the indicator set based on internal/external needs, for example by incorporating new reporting guidelines.
· Support and train key users of CSR Reporting, Carbon Emission and LCA tools.
· Consolidate group-wide Air France - KLM sustainability indicators and information in the group's management reports and URD in response to Article 225 of the Grenelle II Act, as well as in the Sustainability report.
· Track, analyse and report performance of sustainability metrics, KPIs and sustainability initiatives.

Profil recherché

You have :

· bachelor level of thinking, hands-on approach

· experience/affinity with sustainability

· strong data and analytical skills

· experience in management tools and information systems

· excellent knowledge of English, both written and spoken

Type de contrat


Durée du contrat (mois) :

4 mois

Date de prise de poste souhaitée


Type d'horaires


Localisation du poste

France, Ile-de-France, Val d'Oise (95)


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Sustainability Data Manager H/F
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