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Internship Data Analyst for Customer Affairs - Paint Activity M/F

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Contenu de l'offre Internship Data Analyst for Customer Affairs - Paint Activity M/F chez airbus group

Description du poste
Job Description What if YOU start your journey with US! As part of a school curriculum in initial training , you are looking for a mandatory internship or integrated into a gap year , that will allow you to validate your studies. The internship duration is 4 to 6 months maximum. We offer you to work in a world-leading company which is at the heart of a digital transformation, at the cutting edge of research and innovation. We are looking for a student able to develop analysis tools for commercial team to assist visibility of paint activity (exterior livery complexity market-trends), to optimize the revenues, and to mitigate the industrial impact. (m/f) who will be joining us at Airbus site in Aircraft customization Sales team located at Blagnac (France) This internship is to be filled from April to September (keep in mind that hiring process takes about 4 months, from the validation of Job Requisition) (the dates are subject to a certain flexibility) You will be joining the department «Pricing and Customisation Department» which activities include the Aircraft customization (cabin, systems) for all Airbus Customers. This team manages all technical, commercial aspects of the aircraft customization process including the external livery definition (livery, paint application process, bilingual markings management). The objective of the internship is to develop IT tools, to allow first analysis of the paint business activity in order to provide drivers to Commercial team for pricing policy and paint definitions management. …………. (one-sentence summary of the trainee's activities) Tasks and Responsibilities : You will be working under the supervision of your manager who will help you identify your professional objectives and support you in the development of your skills. Your main activities will include: Develop IT tool to enable the analysis of the Aircraft external livery complexity and to detect the “market trends”, that means data acquisition, pre-processing, data analysis, data publication.Develop IT tool to simplify, standardize the exterior markings definition /management (e.g. exterior markings definition document to define the bilingual markings). Required skills : You are preparing a diploma level Bac+ 5 from Commercial or Engineer School (domain of the studies),or equivalent, with specialisation in data management, Business Intelligence . and you obtain following competences: - Negotiation English - Your first experience data management - You are interested in Business Intelligence. - You have a good knowledge of functional analysis - You are able to use proficiently such tools as Mastering Excel (macro), Google suite… Soft skills: - Motivation, - Communication, - Time management - Rigorous, curious and autonomous - Obtain good interpersonal and communication skills - Able to integrate into team and be a flexible team player - Able to analyse and synthesize information - Knowledge of analytic pricing skills would be a plus. You will develop the following skills: Mastering End-to-End Business Intelligence tool (from Business requirement to report/dashboard) Develop data base for bilingual markings management. Depending on the specifics of the offer, you may have to travel to another locations. If your profile catches our attention, you will be invited to perform a video interview during which you will have a few minutes to tell us about your background, motivations and your professional project. Afterwards, your application could be proposed to the managers for further review.
Cpf final 4

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Internship Data Analyst for Customer Affairs - Paint Activity M/F
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