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Product Safety Data Analyst/Scientist (m/f)

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Contenu de l'offre Product Safety Data Analyst/Scientist (m/f) chez Airbus

Airbus Blagnac

Airbus is a global leader in aeronautics, space and related services. In 2017, it generated revenues of € 67 billion and employed a workforce of around 130,000. Airbus offers the most comprehensive range of passenger airliners from 100 to more than 600 seats. Airbus is also a European leader providing tanker, combat, transport and mission aircraft, as well as Europe’s number one space enterprise and the world’s second largest space business. In helicopters, Airbus provides the most efficient civil and military rotorcraft solutions worldwide.

Our people work with passion and determination to make the world a more connected, safer and smarter place. Taking pride in our work, we draw on each other's expertise and experience to achieve excellence. Our diversity and teamwork culture propel us to accomplish the extraordinary - on the ground, in the sky and in space.

Description of the job

An opportunity for Product Safety Data Analyst/Scientist (m/f) has arisen within Airbus Commercial Aircraft in Toulouse. The successful applicant will join the Product Safety Department.
One of the main roles of product safety enhancement is to ensure an efficient analysis of Airbus data in order to identify, measure, mitigate and control the mitigation efficiency of safety hazards. As part of its digitalization activities, Product Safety Enhancement domain is looking for a data scientist/data analyst in order to support aviation experts’ decision making to improve safety. You are willing to develop in the field of data analytics & digital while working for a core Airbus function which is product safety.

Tasks & accountabilities

Your main tasks and responsibilities will include:

Ensuring that the digital team have a strong impact on the business, helping the safety enhancement managers to make better decisions, enabling them to maximize their impact on safety and eliminating waste work through digital, Identifying through a thorough analysis of the business users and business processes needs digital projects and activities, Within product safety enhancement domain, contributing to develop and implement data analytics techniques to further enhance descriptive and predictive safety capabilities, Acting as the technical focal point of the business with Information Management (IM) for the topics related to digitalization & data analytics (data pipelines industrial deployment, etc.), Working closely with a large array of aviation specialist (Design Office, Product Safety, Customer Services, Customer Airlines, Authorities, etc.) to achieve a better use of safety data and improve business operations; in particular you will prototype analytical capabilities, including: Detection of weak signals and potential vulnerabilities in Air Transport System through the analysis of very various data types (flight data, surveillance data, textual safety reports, textual maintenance reports, etc.), Use appropriate visualization techniques to support decision making and feed product safety control room. In collaboration with DTO and specialized third parties, you will actively drive activities aiming at industrializing prototyped analytical capabilities. Supporting Product Safety Data Officer in its duty to grant access to product safety data, perform risk data assessment, contribute to strategic & operational data committees, manage relevant purposes user groups on Skywise, etc.

This job requires an awareness of any potential compliance risks and a commitment to act with integrity, as the foundation for the Company’s success, reputation and sustainable growth.

Required skills

You will have the following skills and experience:

You are a problem solver who wants to be embedded in the business and work directly with users to deliver value from their data, maximize the impact it has on their job. You value more the result than who gets the credit for it, You have a deep passion for technology with an ability to navigate Airbus organisation. From that standpoint, you already have a successful experience in a digital context (data analytics) and problem framing/solving in a business context, Experienced in building and optimizing data pipelines to collect, model, store and process data (either in SQL or NoSQL database), Experienced in using workflow scheduler (such as airflow) and containerization technologies (Docker), You have programing skills in Python/ R, You have analytics background with text and natural language or have a strong willingness to develop knowledge in Natural Language Processing, Knowledge of design thinking techniques and agile framework is a plus You are creative, autonomous, willing to continuously learn and passionate about aviation You are able to communicate the results of your investigations to non-specialists of data analysis Language skills: negotiation level of English.
Cpf final 4

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Product Safety Data Analyst/Scientist (m/f)
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