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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst chez Aircall

À propos

Aircall’s mission is to transform the business phone industry !
Aircall is an advanced cloud-based phone system, complete business phone and call center software in one single tool.

Our platform easily integrates with your favorite CRM, support, and SaaS tools, giving users all the context they need to close more deals and deliver superior service.
With no hidden fees and no hardware to manage, Aircall gets deployed and is operational in a matter of minutes.

By redefining the idea of a business phone operator, Aircall has convinced more than 3000 companies worldwide - including Uber, SpotAHome, TraverlBird.


Descriptif du poste

Your work is to help other teams getting the right KPIs to make the best decisions and actions by choosing and mastering the best tools available on the market. Your main focuses will be:

Product Analytics

Partner with the Product and Tech teams to build a data model ensuring that the most valuable features are prioritized in the roadmap. Follow user engagement and more broadly product usage by defining and monitoring the right KPIs to make product development even more data-driven.

Business Analytics

Help Sales & Success teams get the right metrics in order to maximize sales and customer retention. Leverage available data to drive the transition to more predictive, data-driven business departments.


Amazing startup atmosphere and team spirit Sunny offices in the center of Paris with ping-pong table, music studio and free food/drinks & (very) regular team parties Immersion in the parisian startup ecosystem and opportunity to work with some of the most promising startups

Profil recherché

Master degree in a top business or engineering school Curious, problem-solver, with strong motivation to learn great skills in one of the most promising domains Detail oriented, rigorous, and focused Comfortable managing several tasks and issues in a fast-paced environment Good knowledge of Excel (SQL and/or Python/R would be a plus) Paris office language is French, but we will be happy to welcome analytical-minded people who only speak English
Cpf final 4

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