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Contenu de l'offre Clinical Data Manager chez Aixial

AIXIAL is an International Contract Research Organization (CRO), a member of the ALTEN Group, providing complex services in clinical trials (phase I-IV) and non-interventional studies. Our offices are located in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany and Czech Republic.

Due to fast growth of our company we are currently recruiting a colleague for the position of Senior Data Manager, manage the DM activities, what includes (but it’s not limited to):

To develop (e)CRFs and related documentation To be responsible for project implementation and validation in each stage of data management activities (set-up, conduct, close out) To help review and update company SOPs Assemble and lead project team To act as a mentor, supervise and train new employees within the context of the qualification program


Suitable candidate should have:

Degree in Life Science or IT (or equivalent qualification) Solid background in EDC solutions and a minimum of 5 years of experience in data management, preferably in clinical research Experience in SAS programming as well as understanding SQL Experience in CDISC standard (SDTMs and ADaMs) and data management including data transfer Good organizational and presentation skills and ability to work to deadlines while maintaining quality standards Fluent English, spoken and written (French or German is a plus)

We offer:

an opportunity to work in international team flexible working hours with a possibility of home-office young and friendly team 25 days of holiday per year (instead of the standard 20 as per Czech law) a possibility of professional courses and international conferences 95 CZK Meal voucher (55% covered by the company) Language trainings (options: EN, DE, FR, ES, CZ) Multisport card fully paid by the employer
Cpf final 4

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Clinical Data Manager
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