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Talent Acquisition Specialist - Business Managers (M/F)

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Contenu de l'offre Talent Acquisition Specialist - Business Managers (M/F) chez Akka Technologies

Talent Acquisition Specialist - Business Managers (M/F)

Job Title : Talent Acquisition Specialist - Business Managers

Your responsabilities :

Active sourcing of high potential candidates through different channels for the Local Market

Building a pool of qualified candidates for the population of Business Managers

Organizing and holding interviews with prospective candidates; guarantee that he/she meets our standards

Collaborating with Managers and tech teams to analyze & understand the needs to develop our Team

Presenting candidates to internal customers : interview reports, validation presentations etc...
Tracking and analyze KPI’s of the recruitment and hiring processes

Elaborating and negotiating salary packages and contracts

Organizing the contract signature and integration of the new hiring
Being involved in recruitment initiatives (organizing events, challenges), campus management, team building events

Key stakeholders :

Internal : Business Unit Managers or Directors

External : candidates, schools

Soft skills :

Energetic and can-do attitude.
Ability to work internationally with a diverse population.
Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.

Ability to adapt in a fast-moving and changing culture.
Excellent communication skills (oral and written)

Tech skills :

Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PPT) and the use of an ATS

Languages: French and English

Required education :

An above high-school degree certification (Bac +3, Bac+5, College University)

Required experience :

A significant and successful experience of minimum 2 years in a similar position

About us :

AKKA & Modis (Akkodis) is a global tech leader in the Smart Industry, offering comprehensive and seamless solutions connecting IT specialists, tech experts and engineers to companies and organizations embracing a smarter and more sustainable tomorrow. IT and engineering will continue to converge as a new era of smarter devices, smarter cities and smarter industries evolves. Digital innovation is revolutionizing the world of work.

It’s AKKA & Modis’ mission to assist its customers with IT specialists and tech experts in driving tangible business outcomes in the digitally transformed world, reduce costs, accelerate time-to-market and take advantage of external expertise, assets and intellectual property. This is delivered by a network of up to 50,000 skilled colleagues & consultants speaking more than 20 languages.

With our local market knowledge, delivery centers and global presence, AKKA & Modis can collaborate to improve all aspects of IT processes, services, applications and infrastructure, agile teams mobilized on projects or tailored solutions.

AKKA & Modis has approx. a total revenue of 4 Bn EUR with a global footprint and is present in more ca 30 countries.

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Talent Acquisition Specialist - Business Managers (M/F)
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