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Business Analyst (m/f) - Medical Operations

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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst (m/f) - Medical Operations chez Allianz

Paris, Paris


Full Time





Support Global Medical Operations strategic planning – including financial assessment / business case analysis:
- Participate in the overall development of the Strategic / Planning Dialogue (SD/PD) for Medical Operations including:

Tracking of communications / document collections from Regional/Local Medical Operations leads
Building of business models for potential savings initiatives
Supporting of documentation to the Group COO office / Board
Participation in all meetings related to SD/PD
Updating of financial assessments pertaining to Medical Operations

Support project / initiatives tracking in alignment with the Group Transformation Office (including implementation of a Group KPI dashboard)
- Maintain and update tracking tools to ensure alignment with Regional Heads, including escalations where needed
- Monthly delivery of tracking templates for all Regions and to be shared with Global Head of Medical Operations & Group Transformation Office
- Implementation of the Medical KPI dashboard across all regions
- Consolidation of project tracking into overall KPI dashboard

Support transversal initiatives impacting Medical Operations (Allianz/Allianz Partner group projects, Digitalization of the Medical value chain, New products/tenders etc.)
- Act as representative of the unit towards other Global functions (Marketing, HR, Sales)
- Analyze requests from other departments and recommend proposals / solutions
- Drive alignment of Regional Operational Heads towards a common position
- Support Regional initiatives and projects

Define harmonized standards/procedures for Medical Operations in the following areas:
- Governance, processes, Workforce Management, Systems (incl. ABS), Operational Monitoring (i.e. KPI tracking)

Ensure ad-hoc reporting to stakeholders:
- Prepare ad-hoc updates for management/ team
- Identify issues, escalate them and track resolution
- Ensure alignment with management/Regional Operational Heads on key orientations

Prior analysis work experience (2+), preferably with consultancy background (not required)
Experience in operations would be appreciated, but not required
Strong analytical and organizational skills
Ability to structure strategic topics and communicate effectively to upper management
Pragmatic solution finder
Comfortable in a changing environment, where reactivity to short-notice requests are expected
Previous experience working in a global team
Ability to work autonomously
Strong MS Excel and PowerPoint skills required
Fluency in English required, German/Italian/French a plus

This position is based in Saint Ouen (France) with frequent travel necessary.


Allianz is the home for those who dare – a supportive place where you can take the initiative to grow and to actively strengthen our global leadership position. By truly caring about people – both its 88 million private and corporate customers and more than 140,000 employees – Allianz fosters a culture where its employees are empowered to collaborate, perform, embrace trends and challenge the industry. Our main ambition is to be our customers' trusted partner, instilling them with the confidence to grow. If you dare, join us at Allianz Group.

Allianz is an equal opportunity employer. Everybody is welcome, regardless of other characteristics such as gender, age, origin, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, disability, or sexual orientation.

Allianz Worldwide Partners provides diverse expertise in automotive, international health & life, travel insurance, assistance and direct sales and is at the forefront of the Allianz B2B2C offering. United under one roof, Allianz Global Assistance, Allianz Global Automotive and Allianz Worldwide Care are specialist brands combining forces to push boundaries and create tomorrow's solutions to deliver an enhanced experience to our clients. Our 16,000 employees are based across 76 countries and combine 70 different languages and 60 nationalities, reflecting the truly diverse nature of Allianz Worldwide Partners. Our DNA is unique: we dare and care, anytime, anywhere. If this sounds like you, come and join us!

Allianz Worldwide Partners is a fast changing company with strong growth ambitions. We care for our customers, and our caring nature extends to our employees. We don't just hire people, we nourish them and invest in their careers because we recognize that your development and our growth and our development go hand in hand. So if you would like to be part of a global company that offers international career opportunities, kick-start your career and dare to join us!

As an equal opportunity employer, Allianz Worldwide Partners recognises that our strength lies in our people. We are committed to diversity and inclusivity and everyone is welcome to apply.

More information regarding the Allianz Worldwide Partners lines of business can be found at:
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Business Analyst (m/f) - Medical Operations
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