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Business Analyst for Regional Claims, MEDA - Paris la Défense

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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst for Regional Claims, MEDA - Paris la Défense chez Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty

If you are a Corporate & Speciality Claims Handler looking to expand your skillset into the strategic domaine, this could be the ideal role for you.
Based in our Paris office, reporting to the Regional Head of Claims for MedA Region (France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium & South Africa), you will manage and support (and drive for the improvement of) various reports, presentations and tracking systems in order to assist management in the taking of operational and strategic decisions, but also contribute to Claims projects and administrative tasks on behalf of the Regional Head.
Exceptional organisational skills, a sense of initiative and autonomy will be key. If you are resolutely digital and service-minded, this is an ideal opportunity to expand your knowledge of multiple lines of business and gain an insight into Claims and strategy.
Key Responsibilities You will take on the following tasks, working closely with our Claims teams and managers in MedA Region, as well as with Global Claims data team, and other functions teams and managers :
Handle the publication and dissemination of Claims data and reports Master extractions from MedA Claims various IT systems Analyze the data and escalate any issue as appropriate Analyse Regional and Global Claims reports for MedA Claims, including KPI, QPR… Prepare Boni Mali reports for Leadership meetings Issue ad hoc reports for Claims MedA as may be required Support MedA claims in preparing loss runs reports, claims trend analyses and presentations Ensure improvements in communication channels and quality of data Work closely with Claims Reporting & Analytics / Global Claims to ensure data consistency at all levels (Region and Global Claims) Be the point of contact for Claims reports and Claims data with other functions: Underwriting, Finance, Actuaries, IT and answer various queries or help answering… Support data consistency in coordination with Global Performance Steering and other LOBs Business Analysts in MedA Support or participate in Smart Circle meetings with Underwriting teams (all LoBs) Support Vendor Management for our external service providers Draft content and finalize presentations for MedA leadership meetings Increase automation in reporting and tracking systems Become the key point of contact to centralise training needs and resources Ad-hoc tasks to support strategic analysis and decisions Provide support in organization and executive aspects
Key Requirements You have at least 5 years’ experience in Corporate and Specialty Insurance, in Claims An interest in our full range of lines of business, and clear motivation to learn more about them You enjoy data and figures, and are keen to develop strategic analytical skills At ease in French and in English, both spoken and written At ease in Microsoft Office, especially Excel and PowerPoint Highly organised, able to prioritise and work to deadlines A confident communicator, able to build relations both inside and outside the company Service-minded and a positive team spirit At ease handling remote relationships Sense of initiative, able to suggest improvements in processes and systems
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Business Analyst for Regional Claims, MEDA - Paris la Défense
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