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Business Analyst – Finance (m/f)

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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst – Finance (m/f) chez Allianz Partners

The department Organizational Management is in charge of driving global IT projects across all lines of business of Allianz Partners. They act as the main interface between Business Units globally and Allianz Technology, dedicated to provide IT standard services.

Based in the headquarters of Paris and Munich, the team is responsible for prioritization of back-office investments and fostering harmonization of processes, through the implementation of the group target platforms. In this perspective, the team needs to ensure a certain balance between simplification / standardization of tools and processes and specific business needs in order to contribute to answer current corporate challenges : IT cost efficiency, innovation, optimization of time to market, etc.

Ultimately, the Product Owner coordinates Product Development (main functionalities of AZP tools) in cooperation with all the stakeholders, and while taking into consideration the Big Picture at OM level (ensuring alignment with the rest of OM scope, documenting and being the gatekeeper for all risks, compliance, legal topics).
As Product Owner you are in charge of the following responsibilities :

Ensure Product Development through Agile methodology:
Define the vision for product development:
Communicate with stakeholders, including customers, business managers, and the development team to make sure the goals are clear and aligned with business objectives
Create the product roadmap, a high-level, strategic visual summary that outlines the vision and direction for the product offering over time.
Manage the product backlog
Create the list of backlog items/user stories being sure the SCRUM Team receives all the needed information in order to start the developments
Validate the outcomes of the IT Developments compared to test cases
Map out project dependencies to inform the necessary sequence of development.
Take care of the item prioritization/sprint definition by monitoring the triangle of scope, budget, and time, considering priorities according to the needs and objectives of stakeholders
Is responsible of the Delivery validation/Sprint review, involving business owners
Anticipate customer needs
Evaluate product progress and iteration

Contribute to OM organization, structure and strategy:
Manage cross-divisional relationships across reporting lines : other LoBs, Country managers, other departments
Facilitate and document lessons learned and suggest improvements throughout the organization
Participate to the life of the team: department initiatives (AES follow-up, etc.), new joiners onboarding, etc.c.

Allianz is the home for those who dare – a supportive place where you can take the initiative to grow and to actively strengthen our global leadership position. By truly caring about people – both its 100 million private and corporate customers and more than 147,000 employees – Allianz fosters a culture where its employees are empowered to collaborate, perform, embrace trends and challenge the industry. Our main ambition is to be our customers’ trusted partner, instilling them with the confidence to grow. If you dare, join us at Allianz Group.

We at Allianz believe in a diverse and inclusive workforce and are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We encourage you to bring your whole self to work, no matter where you are from, what you look like, who you love or what you believe in.
Allianz Partners is a world leader in B2B2C insurance and assistance,specializing in the areas of international health & life, automotive, assistance and travel insurance. Operating in over 76 countries, Allianz Partners offers global solutions that are redefining help, going beyond traditional insurance to help and protect customers wherever they are and whenever they need it. Our innovative experts deliver future-ready, high-tech, high-touch products and services through four commercial brands: Allianz Assistance, Allianz Care, Allianz Automotive and Allianz Travel. We have over 19,000 employees who handle more than 54 million cases each year, motivated to go the extra mile to help customers and employees around the world. If this sounds like you, come and join us!
Allianz Partners is a fast changing company with strong growth ambitions. We care for our customers, and our caring nature extends to our employees. We don't just hire people, we nourish them and invest in their careers because we recognize that your development and our growth and our development go hand in hand. So if you would like to be part of a global company that offers international career opportunities, kick-start your career and dare to join us! As an equal opportunity employer, Allianz Partners recognises that our strength lies in our people. We are committed to diversity and inclusivity and everyone is welcome to apply. More information regarding the Allianz Partners lines of business can be found at:
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Business Analyst – Finance (m/f)
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