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Contenu de l'offre BUSINESS ANALYST / DATA ANALYST chez Altran

The Digital Business Applications Services (DBS) division is mandated to deliver digital solutions to automate, support and monitor business processes.

The division scope is: • Marketing & Sales • Delivery & Customer Service • Billing & Collection • Transactional Finance • Governance & Mgmt. Control • Human Capital Management • Building, Facilities & Safety • Service/ Product Lifecycle

You join a team is in charge of Billing Mediation activities within this division.

Vos responsabilités

Candidate will be expected to work using her/his own initiative to participate to the development of innovative solutions to meet both our functional requirements and our customers’ demands. Our ideal candidate will be a well-rounded business solution analyst with a rigorous approach to end-to-end solution development, from the requirement gathering and refinement, to its specifications, testing, deployment and validation in production.

FCR Billing Data Integration remains the corner stone of the data collection and publication for billing and enterprise analytics pruposes.

Your mission will be the maintenance and evolution of the excellence of this service. You will work, under the leadership of our product owner and delivery manager, on tactical billing implementation and our internal partners priorities.

As one of our business solution analyst, you will be implicated in all aspects and phases of the project from requirements through to functional design, test, integration and load in production.

The candidate will:

Write functional requirements to lead development in delivering the expected software evolution

Prepare functional tests to validate the software change and include them in the functional regression framework

Follow-up on new software results just after load in Production

Based on high level business requirements, recommend potential solutions to Demand Management and Architecture groups during the feasibility study.

Advise internal customers on potential solutions

Collect and review the detailed business specifications with internal customers.

Analyze the detailed impact on existing processes and on the usage of existing tools supporting these processes.

Define functional requirements of the solution using standard solutions whenever possible

Validate detailed functional requirements with internal customers and solution team to ensure that the proposed solution

meets their expectations.

Validate technical requirement with the Internal Business Solution Architect/Developer and support development team during the software implementation

Implement and test solution customization

Execute end to end functional /regression/performance tests

Coordination user acceptance tests

Produce user documentation and educational materials to facilitate user understanding and adoption

Deliver the agreed solution on-time, within budget and according to specifications

Perform the application functional support (customer/production) when requests are received from second level support

Propose enhancements to avoid failure and improve performance

Votre profil

Education and knowledge:

University degree in Business or Scientific studies or related field, or equivalent work experience


Experience in ETL solutions or similar data collection/transformation/publication solutions Experience in Multicultural Environment Experience in Agile would be a plus Experience in Linux, Oracle DB and ALM Testing Knowledge on Edifact, Dsc is a plus Excellent written and oral communication skills Organisation skills Relationships building Fluent in English Multicultural approach Good analytical and Conceptual skills Accountability and Proactivity Change management and Flexibility

Good communication skills

Cpf final 4

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