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ServiceNow Business Analyst for Digital Transformation Services

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Contenu de l'offre ServiceNow Business Analyst for Digital Transformation Services chez Amadeus

Job Title

ServiceNow Business Analyst for Digital Transformation Services

Job Description Summary

Identify, analyze and design ServiceNow Platform solutions supporting the internal customers' needs by applying best practices and in depth knowledge of the product and processes.


The ServiceNow Business Analyst is the key link between internal customers and developers. They support platform implementations from the requirement to the support phase while guaranteeing quality and satisfaction of all stakeholders.

Gathers, analyzes and reviews internal customer requirements, builds and maintains a backlog in collaboration with Demand Managers and other Product Owners / Business Analysts Together with the architect and other BAs, assesses each demand in relation to the platform out of the box features and guarantees that if a change is necessary Servicenow best practices are followed for their area of focus. Provides guidance on process evolutions and platform capabilities Keeps up to date with regular product evolutions in their area of focus and shares relevant information within and outside the solution team Works in autonomy on their perimeter, involving developers, peers and management when required. When required organizes and manages UATs, builds and maintains key test scenarios. Guarantees the content & quality of the functional documentation. Offers functional support to the development team on their area of focus.

Skills & Experience

4+ years Hands-on experience in the Business Analyst / Product Manager / Product Owner role on the Servicenow platform or similar. Candidates with no Servicenow experience will also be considered if they can demonstrate adequate BA/PM/PO experience. Knowledge of CSM/SPM/HR applications encouraged. Experience working in Agile Scrum Experience in (co)leading workshops, preparing and running demos is encouraged Knowledge if ITIL is encouraged Experience in portal, project management or customer support software is encouraged Excellent written / oral communication skills in English. Excellent interpersonal skills, positive attitude and open mindset. Ability to adapt the communication to the audience Ability to understand and break down complex concepts in order to clarify the effort and the required changes. A team player willing to work in a distributed multi cultural team. Fast learner with excellent adaptation skills

Diversity & Inclusion

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and seek to hire the best candidate regardless of age, beliefs, disability, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation.

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ServiceNow Business Analyst for Digital Transformation Services
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