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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst Internship chez Amcor

La Défense (92) Temps plein, Stage


In August of 2018 it was announced that Amcor Flexibles and Bemis Company would combine to become the global leader in consumer packaging. This combination allows for a comprehensive global footprint with greater scale in all regions of the world. With a combined company history of more than 300 years, we continue to work collaboratively with our customers to make Amcor the clear choice for inspired packaging solutions. We appreciate your patience while we work to integrate our application and hiring process.

Business overview:

Amcor Capsules, a division of the Amcor Group, is specialized in the design and manufacture of Caps & Closures. Amcor Capsules offers the widest range of Caps & Closures for spirits, still wines and sparkling wines. The Capsules division comprises 6 production sites in France, in Canada, in the United States and in Chile. To strengthen the Business Development team, Amcor Flexibles Capsules is looking for a Junior Business Analyst for its headquarters based in La Défense.

Job overview:

You will be part of the Business Development & Commercial Excellence Team under the supervision of the Business Strategy Manager. You will support the development of the Business Strategy capabilities by providing analytical support and tools. Strong collaboration with sales teams will be necessary. With a scope over Europe, North America and South America, possibility to follow the internship by an international mobility.

Principal Accountabilities:

Market Price Tracking

• Development of a market price tool for our European businesses linked to our Pricing tools

• Perform analysis around the data retrieve

Sales Budget Coordinator

Participate to the Sales Budget process:

• Interview Sales Executives and consolidate their budget inputs

• Deliver analysis for Sales Managers & Directors

• Ensure bridges with Finance teams

Contract & Bids Follow-up

• Be the internal single point of contact for any contract follow-up requests

• Follow-up on contracts and make sure commitments are met

• Make sure all contracts are hedged by Margin Managers

• Fill-in our bids database

Central Sales System Data Administrator

Responsible of the central sales system (Pandora)

• Ensure data in Pandora are uploaded properly in time, are always available and accurate

• Ensure bridges with Finance systems and participate to month end sales reporting

• Drive a Market Segmentation change for more specific/useful market analysis

• Drive a Sales Dashboard project to give to the Sales & Marketing teams a clear vision over their landing

• Train Sales Team to use Pandora properly & perform ad hoc analysis when needed


• Currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Business, Finance, Science or Engineering or related field.

• Fluent English is required. Additional languages are valued, especially French (Spanish or German).

• Knowledge of Excel (or/ appetite to learn it at fast pace)

• Strong conceptual and analytical skills, attention to details

• Analytical acumen and ability to synthesize recommendations from vast data sets

• Communication and presentation skills across wide range of audiences

• Comfortable with multi-cultural team, operating effectively with people at all levels and across all functions of the organization, building and maintaining relationships

• Learning on the fly


In August of 2018 it was announced that Amcor Flexibles and Bemis Company would combine to become the global leader in consumer packaging. This combination allows for a comprehensive global footprint with greater scale in all regions of the world. With a combined company history of more than 300 years, we continue to work collaboratively with our customers to make Amcor the clear choice for inspired packaging solutions. We appreciate your patience while we work to integrate our application and hiring process.

Amcor is a global leader in developing and producing responsible packaging for food, beverage, pharmaceutical, medical, home- and personal-care, and other products. Amcor works with leading companies around the world to protect their products and the people who rely on them, differentiate brands, and improve value chains through a range of flexible and rigid packaging, specialty cartons, closures, and services. The company is focused on making packaging that is increasingly light-weighted, recyclable and reusable, and made using a rising amount of recycled content. Around 50,000 Amcor people generate US$13 billion in sales from operations that span about 250 locations in 40-plus countries. NYSE: AMCR; ASX: AMC I LinkedIn I Facebook I Twitter I YouTube


“ With more than 61 plants in 22 countries , Amcor Flexibles Europe, Middle East and Africa (AFEMEA), a division of Amcor, is a market leader and the world's largest supplier of flexible packaging. We deliver innovative packaging solutions and provide enhanced quality products for the food, beverage, pharma, personal care, medical and industrial markets. Its award winning approach towards sustainability makes AFEMEA the preferred partner for customers looking for responsible packaging solutions.”

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